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the park i should go to

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Post February 10th, 2004, 10:15 pm

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Location: Etobicoke(Toronto), Is Ontario a state?, Canada

hey i know everyone is saying SFMM sucks SO.........i have a coice of a park to go to and YOU guys can help me what do you think is the greatst park in the U.S.A or canada (i have the money to go there) and ill be glad to write up a huge trip report. thanx.

Post February 10th, 2004, 11:21 pm

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well, what type of park do you want to go to? Like for a family, thrill, movie?

Post February 10th, 2004, 11:26 pm

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If you really want to go to a park that you will REALLY have fun, go to Knoebels. Even though everyone else here will probably disagree with me and say CP is the best, every single person that I have talked to that went to both CP and Knoebels said that Knoebels is FAR better. They have 2 amazing coasters, better than anything at CP, so intense that if you ride a B&M anytime in your life after, you'll practicly fall asleep on it. The atmosphere is great, and everything has great prices. Heck, you don't even have to pay to get into the park. It only costs money to ride the rides, so you won't have to dish out $40 or around that to get into one of the big parks, and everything is still so much better. The best time to go to Knoebels is during the Phoenix Phall Phunfest. The ride ops actually let you have fun and they do so much for the coaster enthusiasts, unlike any SF or CF park.

If you don't go to Knoebels, be sure to not go to any SF or CF park over a great traditional park unless you want to waste your time.

Post February 18th, 2004, 2:32 pm

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Location: Medina, OH, USA

Post February 18th, 2004, 2:32 pm

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Location: Medina, OH, USA
cedar point is the best park with the best roller coasters.

Post February 18th, 2004, 4:12 pm
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I agree, Cedar Point, certainly for me, as i will probably never get the chance to go there again, it costs a lot of money to fly to america and back, lol. So CP id a once in a lifetime chance for me, i would gladly go there again, i think you should give it a bash too.
And i think it was marginally better than SFMM.

HANG ON! I KNOW!! come to Alton Towers!!!! :D, much better than any SFMM or CP or any cruddy american park, LOL, hahaha.[lol]

Post February 18th, 2004, 4:17 pm

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Location: Tonawanda, NY, USA

Originally posted by jordanrct

cedar point is the best park with the best roller coasters.

Best coasters for sleeping through, save Blue Streak and Maggie

Post February 18th, 2004, 4:21 pm
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Post February 18th, 2004, 4:37 pm

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Originally posted by IntaminFan397


If you really want to go to a park that you will REALLY have fun, go to Knoebels. Even though everyone else here will probably disagree with me and say CP is the best, every single person that I have talked to that went to both CP and Knoebels said that Knoebels is FAR better. They have 2 amazing coasters, better than anything at CP, so intense that if you ride a B&M anytime in your life after, you'll practicly fall asleep on it. The atmosphere is great, and everything has great prices. Heck, you don't even have to pay to get into the park. It only costs money to ride the rides, so you won't have to dish out $40 or around that to get into one of the big parks, and everything is still so much better. The best time to go to Knoebels is during the Phoenix Phall Phunfest. The ride ops actually let you have fun and they do so much for the coaster enthusiasts, unlike any SF or CF park.

If you don't go to Knoebels, be sure to not go to any SF or CF park over a great traditional park unless you want to waste your time.

I would definitley have to agree on this one, but sometimes it does cost money to get into Knoebels, but not even close to $40, so take it from me whos been to both CP and Knoebels, Knoebels is better.

Post February 18th, 2004, 4:45 pm

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Location: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, PA, USA
Originally posted by eZe7789

Originally posted by IntaminFan397


If you really want to go to a park that you will REALLY have fun, go to Knoebels. Even though everyone else here will probably disagree with me and say CP is the best, every single person that I have talked to that went to both CP and Knoebels said that Knoebels is FAR better. They have 2 amazing coasters, better than anything at CP, so intense that if you ride a B&M anytime in your life after, you'll practicly fall asleep on it. The atmosphere is great, and everything has great prices. Heck, you don't even have to pay to get into the park. It only costs money to ride the rides, so you won't have to dish out $40 or around that to get into one of the big parks, and everything is still so much better. The best time to go to Knoebels is during the Phoenix Phall Phunfest. The ride ops actually let you have fun and they do so much for the coaster enthusiasts, unlike any SF or CF park.

If you don't go to Knoebels, be sure to not go to any SF or CF park over a great traditional park unless you want to waste your time.

I would definitley have to agree on this one, but sometimes it does cost money to get into Knoebels, but not even close to $40, so take it from me whos been to both CP and Knoebels, Knoebels is better.

also hershey park is about 1hr south of knoebels, there you could ride storm runner and it is a great park.

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