Originally posted by SixFlagsFiesta
I wouldn't recommend wheel chocks alone, they can slip as most are not designed with unload from hell in mind. My preferred method is to take ratchet straps and attach them to a fix point on the car, and to the cross rail on the track. Than every few cars another strap is brought across the coupler and around each rail. Use chains to secure it vertically.
Rocket Rodder,
You always unload back to front because you always follow rule number 1, Never unload if any part of the train is past the level point of the lift, that way you don't do what those idiots did unloading from the front. You also do it because you have to escort people down and people can start to panic and grab other guest as they are descending. Time is of no matter because it takes the same amount of time unloaded back to front, as it does front to back. I hope you do not work for an amusement park, because you could get someone killed with the attitude that time is greater than safety.
Ah, I see! I also saw your other quote about retracting your other statement, so thanks, that was very refreshing. All it was was a misunderstanding A really really bad one on my part [:I] , but.. yeah. =) Yet. And SFF, I do work at an amusement park. =)
I don't know what I was thinking when I posted that very first comment, of course it makes sense now.. The lowest point first! @_@ But I've never heard of clamps, though.