Monthly News for April is up!
Another month passed way too fast. I am almost working at full strength now, but again it felt to me like I was making no progress at all. Within the last couple of weeks I was almost entirely doing experimental stuff and working on tools that will help to speed up development time in the near future. All of these tools have absolutely nothing to do with neither coasters nor simulations, so I do not want to bore you with details. To give you an idea anyway, one of the tools is for helping developing vertex and pixel shaders. One important feature of the NoLimits' new engine is the new terrain and I already spent months on it. The terrain engine makes heavy use of vertex and pixel shaders to allow for multiple texture layers, high detail levels, larger building areas and improved water reflection and refraction effects. I will use vertex and pixel shader effects for other stuff like shadows and dynamic lighting, too. Programming those shader programs is an error-prone task and takes a lot of time in general, hopefully the new tools will help. Maybe next month I will show screenshots of the new terrain, it looks pretty amazing. Speaking of shaders, the hardware requirements for NoLimits 2 will be higher than for NL1, but this should be no surprise. I am not really targetting the latest hardware, because I prefer if my software is performing well even on older machines and portable computers, but a more or less up-to-date graphics card is available on most computers nowadays anyway, so this should not be an issue at all. Last year, I was experimenting on a Linux port of NL1, but I decided to instead focus on NL2. I realized that the amount of work for a complete Linux port would be much higher than for the Mac port. I guess a Linux version of NL1 makes no sense at all at this point and would be a waste of time, so I stopped the work on the Linux port. [ol]
Looks like our big prayers for terrains will be answered! Larger maps, higher detail, more textures, even better water.
Possible screen shots next month! [:D]
Thanks Ole!