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coaster surfing.. !

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Post June 5th, 2008, 1:59 am
jayman Premium Member
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Post June 5th, 2008, 2:02 am
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dude, i've been there
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Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post June 5th, 2008, 3:27 am

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Post June 5th, 2008, 3:34 am

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Funny how the seat backs say, keep hands and feet inside the car at all times.....[;)]

Post June 5th, 2008, 3:34 am

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and people wonder wy accidents onn coasters happen, what a compleate tard
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Post June 5th, 2008, 4:57 am

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Post June 5th, 2008, 1:33 pm
hyyyper User avatar
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i wished he died, seriously, the world is better of without this kind of people

Post June 5th, 2008, 1:41 pm
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Post June 5th, 2008, 1:58 pm

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that was just plain stupid, yeah lets move cars during the ride, screw the safety, i wanna be at the front even though i could've sat there at the start, and I'm gonna undo my restraints and surf while someone videos me, weeeeeee! all things that could get me killed/arrested(?)weeeeeeeeeeee!

what an idiot.
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Post June 5th, 2008, 6:02 pm

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It looks like "Coaster" at Playland in Vancouver. Intaminfan would know, hes ridden it I think. I heard that ride was insanely intense. What the heck is his problem?

Post June 5th, 2008, 6:39 pm

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That happened to me a few years ago at SFOT on Judge Roy Scream.The guy in the front seat stood up,and I grabbed the back on his collar and told him to sit the hell down.After the ride was over security and staff was waiting at the station.

Post June 5th, 2008, 8:00 pm
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i've ridden it as well...
fun ride but completely stupid to do that.

Originally posted by hyyyper

i wished he died, seriously, the world is better of without this kind of people

i totally agree
Coaster Count: 582 // Top Five: 1. Helix 2. Nemesis 3. Big Bad Wolf 4. Boulder Dash 5. Balder

Coasterkidmwm wrote:
4 G's to the taint was a bit much for me because I'm not a power bottom like Turbo

Post June 5th, 2008, 8:47 pm

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That guy is so stupid...i bet he got kicked out of the park after that!
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Post June 5th, 2008, 8:54 pm

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Wow ... my problem is that I am not sure which is dumber:

1) The idiot who swapped seats
2) The idiot who taped it
3) The combined idiots who posted it for others to see
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Post June 5th, 2008, 8:57 pm

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yea thats true!
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Post June 5th, 2008, 9:15 pm
jayman Premium Member
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this ride is a classic, it wont be if the next time he does it he gets killed, perfect cause of nasty morgan trains!!!!

Post June 5th, 2008, 9:27 pm

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I want to start a topic, but i need my screen shots from my computer but i don't know how to put them on the site. Can anyone help?
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Post June 5th, 2008, 9:33 pm
jayman Premium Member
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uhm.. dude.. the only thing that keeps me from changing your title again right now is laziness.. [;)]

Post June 5th, 2008, 10:39 pm

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well then should i start me own topic?
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Post June 5th, 2008, 10:41 pm

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TConwell, I'm gonna say the dude who actually switched seats was the dumbest because he's the only one to have risked his life. The others were quite stupid too, though.

Post June 5th, 2008, 10:51 pm

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Unfortunate things people do for attention...

Truth is, no one but us (and the coaster ops) care about this or see it as danger. Those people doing that stunt just plain think they're badass. And besides us, the people watching it don't care much about the circumstances either.

Post June 5th, 2008, 11:20 pm

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yea, but unfortunately it will take one to get seriously hurt for them to learn their lesson and not do it again. [:(]
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Post June 7th, 2008, 2:23 pm

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i hope they get hurt, then like cade said they will learn their lesson and they will not be thtere to ruin OUR day.
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Post June 7th, 2008, 2:25 pm

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yea cause one duma$$ like that when they get hurt, they will have to close the ride for a while.
Is now 15!

RIP Wildcatter, 1982-2007.

Post June 7th, 2008, 6:57 pm

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Originally posted by Cade

I want to start a topic, but i need my screen shots from my computer but i don't know how to put them on the site. Can anyone help?
Cade, you are an idiot in the grandest sense of the word. Why would you hijack this perfectly good thread about "coaster surfing", posted by one of the most respected members here, to say something completely irrelevant about your own inadequacies?

Geesh man ... Is it time for you to be banned yet? [approve]

Edit: Sorry jayman, it had to be said.
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all.

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