ello. Me paintin ma carr. I nee idears for da colorrr. And things.
Pictures of ma car. Now.
ohhhhh.... Coooooooool.....
*cough* No i dont have the illegal shiny paint covering over my license plate so street cameras cant take picts of my license plate. Of course not, what were you thinking?!? No, really... i don;t have it... lol, i have no idea why they did that but oh well..
Shes gettin purty rustay on da oder side. Espciall unda da door.
My ideas::
- Yellow Double Racing Stripes down da middle and paint the car a nice shiny black.
- Yellow Double Racing Stripes down da middle and paint the car a nice shiny black AND paint the body kit yellow???
- Silver Paint of the body kit, and the same color. <leaning towads that one<
- White Double Racing Stripes down the mid, same color
- White Double Race Stripess down da middle, and black?
- Different color??????
Right now im leaning towards the yellow stripes with black.
I'm very mad because i got new tires and they are white lettered and not yellow Why Goodyear!! Why did you stop making yellow lettered tires!!! :'(
Also, possibly racing stripes are too tacky and out now? Idk.. give me your opinions.
Please comment on my ideas and give me other ones, i need your help!