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Post February 19th, 2004, 6:44 am

Posts: 318
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Location: bradford, United Kingdom
Tia has release hjere latest creation the construction kit
with three options in price $10 $25 $50, I have been messing around with it and it is possible to remove spiens from track and alter the cross ties on the track (cool I hear you say) well maybe not afrter doing this and resaving the track into NL unfortunatley the track just renderd the same so my questino is why have this featureb if it doesn't display in NL

Post February 19th, 2004, 8:37 am
gouldy User avatar
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Look, whats the point anyway, thats not realistic, and if you want to do stupid things with the track, why not get something like URDC instead. To be honest i got NL because its realistic, when i got it, i didn't expect to be able to make the track disappear and stuff.

Post February 19th, 2004, 1:24 pm

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Owen, the feature is for people how want to have a 3DS of the track. You can't make new trackstyles or anything for NL this way. Only when you export it to 3DS, you can have any trackstyle you want.


Post February 19th, 2004, 1:43 pm

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hmm,thats actualy an intresting idea and feature i may add. I did check out the freeware version and is basicly exactly the same as the toolbox (which i expected, with some features disabled) I dont really think for $50 its not really worth it I mean some features are good, but i wouldnt pay for them.

Also is the support wizard a tool to create supports without any work? If so (well you know my opinion anyway) really for the time its takes to build them its not really worth the money. Although the tool would help newbies, you have to remember most newbies are kids and there parents arent gonna allow them to fork out the money for the kit.

Post February 19th, 2004, 1:55 pm

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Location: bradford, United Kingdom
Tia has explained to me the reason behind it, Gouldy whats stupid and unrealistic about removing the spine from a track there are plenty of coasters out there that just have two rails and cross ties(wild mice, Geustlers.Maurer Sohne spinning coasters! I have paid for the
private licence $25 which equates to roughly ?????????13.15 as for the support feature I havent tried it yet!

tested it( the support feature just places supports at intervals)

Post February 19th, 2004, 3:54 pm

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I don't have ythe money but one day I'll get it. It looks cool though.

Post February 19th, 2004, 5:56 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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the $10 version is pretty good

?????????copyright 2188, GRIM

Post February 20th, 2004, 12:39 am
Kev True Addicts
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I ended up buying the $25 private use version, though I can't imagine why I would need to export a 3ds track model. Perhaps somebody here can enlighten me as to why I spent the extra $15? [:P]

As for the rest of the program, it appears to be a spiffier version of the toolbox with a few new features. I particularly like the colorizer tool. The terrain poly reducer and various support tools looks to be useful, too. The node smoother has a few new options too, but they don't appear to be particularly useful IMHO. All in all, I would say that the $10 extended version is well worth the money. The jury's still out on the private and commercial versions though.

Post February 20th, 2004, 2:43 am
Oscar User avatar
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hmmmm spend more money on an add in than on the actual game, price seems rather high for me imo.

Post February 20th, 2004, 6:02 am

Posts: 318
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Location: bradford, United Kingdom
try this kev export the track as a 3d render import into 3d program add scenery around coaster/build new station around track/add storage track/then delete the track render leaving just the enhancements! export them as a3d file, open the origianl track in nl then place the new 3ds and fit to track!

Post February 21st, 2004, 8:21 am

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Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands
That's a good idea!
Now you can built REAL indoor rides with a building that does match the track exactly.
Most of the stuff that is disabled in the demo is pretty useless. Autoflanger and Support Optimizer are free already and suddenly, you have to pay for it.

Post February 21st, 2004, 3:54 pm

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Is her flanger and support optimizer the same as Buster's tools?

Post February 21st, 2004, 5:02 pm
GRIM.657 User avatar
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the flanger is diferent, you can coose the size and wich type of tubes to put them on

?????????copyright 2188, GRIM

Post March 20th, 2004, 5:48 am

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This is a month late and 25$ short, but I bought the 25$ version so I can export the tracks to 3ds max so I can build structures and have a refernce to use. Now if there was only a way to export ther train with the track too.

Post March 20th, 2004, 10:07 am

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i think the tool sounds kina dumb, why pay money to bring 3ds into game, idk just my 2 cents.

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