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Fave WWS/CC Memory

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Post June 17th, 2008, 6:11 pm

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What is your favorite memory that you had here in this site, this is more for the slightly older members here. Mine? well I have so many, I dont know what to choose![lol]

Post June 17th, 2008, 6:27 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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hehe, mine was still on an good old evening that the whole site was flaming just one single person off this site [:D] The topic had like 15-20 posts every minute! [lol] I laughed my butt of at all the flaming comments that were made and of course all the responses from him [lol]

And let's not forget the time that matt gave some people a link of the backdoor of the old WWS chatroom. You could log in with any nickname you want. Even existing ones... [lol] At some times there were members like: "Weeweeslap", "Weeweeslappette", weeweeslap, "Weeweeslapped" and of course eventually the real weeweeslap(oscar) [lol][lol]

Awesome times... I wish the old chat was back [lol]
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Post June 17th, 2008, 6:38 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Post June 17th, 2008, 6:46 pm

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Post June 17th, 2008, 6:47 pm

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Ya, either the time when everyone was ragging on Express, or the time when Ckid convinced 99% of us that he was buying the site. that was hilarious.

Post June 17th, 2008, 8:37 pm

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Or the time Eric broke into my account and posted a ton of gayporn and stuff...I think it was part of the thread Dirk mentioned. Sadly I wasn't even home to witness it.

Post June 17th, 2008, 9:27 pm

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When djJavixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx left the website.

We should make this topic in the VIP forum. [lol]

Post June 17th, 2008, 9:53 pm

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Haha, Bowserjoe or Italionpony or whatever his name was.

Post June 17th, 2008, 9:57 pm

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Post June 17th, 2008, 10:10 pm

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^He died of blood loss when he cut off his penis...[:(]

Post June 17th, 2008, 10:55 pm

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The Multiple Times Where Casper Came Into The Chat All F***ed Up. XD
I copied the chat one time:


weeweeslap: lol casper os not online for me to im me drunk

man: lol

Jer: 1408 was good

Coasterkidmwm: I'll send a word doc of convo cause it looks like it's pretty good

Jer: the ending was quite confusing though

man: like every horror movie seems like its about some drug if you think about it

casper has joined the room.

casper: HEeyasydhaS!

man: hey casper\

Jer: 1408 seemed like twlight zone and acid

Coasterkidmwm: Hi mr. hasdash

man: casper the friendly emo

Jer: lol

casper: HAsas!

Jer: -sings the themesong-

casper: rmo! cusas!

weeweeslap: lol

ianko66: Hey Casper

Coasterkidmwm: told ya

weeweeslap: hi casper

Jer: you caspah

Jer: pedro though iwas black LOL

casper: asIH!?

weeweeslap: you are black

casper: BALXK!


casper: hahahaah

Jer: i ain?????????r black foo

man: lol

casper: t i am i doing here?!

casper: WE LOVE SEX!

Coasterkidmwm: your doing to tell us what club drug you took

Jer: chattin it up

weeweeslap: getting touched by tconwell

casper: thiss is sin my hisstpry page cuz its cooool!

casper: AJS! sexy rultty!

Jer: BALXK! lollololllol

Coasterkidmwm: hey casper come over here and jack me off

weeweeslap: lol wtf

Message From ianko66: ur awesome

casper: xdxd wel ov ehome all!

man: lol

man: wtf

Jer: what?

Jer: :O

weeweeslap: you take your meds today?

Coasterkidmwm: okay lets play "guess the drug"

Jer: acid!

weeweeslap: X

Coasterkidmwm: ecstasy

Jer: pudding!

weeweeslap: X and mota

casper: ahhahahah!

casper: X RULES~!

casper: LIKE!

man: lmao how do we guess?

weeweeslap: lol I win

casper: I Love You!ing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

casper: i=

man: or like what are we guessing


Jer: crystal METH~!!!!!!!!

Jer: coke

weeweeslap: X with some dick

weeweeslap: stupid chat

Jer: marajuinana

casper: XDXD

Jer: weeweeslap!

Coasterkidmwm: casper

Coasterkidmwm: drink some water

Coasterkidmwm: eat a banana

casper: MATTYYYYYY!!!!!!!

weeweeslap: lol

casper: re whetfucing wather:!

casper: ?

weeweeslap: fruit banana not meat kind

Coasterkidmwm: sure we?????????re I Love You!ing each other

Jer: -rapes pedro- huh?

weeweeslap: wtf

weeweeslap: u cannot rape me

casper: HDXb |~

Jer: and why not?

Coasterkidmwm: hey casper

weeweeslap: casper did some hydro

Coasterkidmwm: 8==>~~~~~~

Jer: (_[:>_) VAGINA!!!!!

casper: awaws! DICK!ads dsawyaH!

casper: WE NEddddd KET!

Jer: ahahaha i'm gunna go


Coasterkidmwm: What do you want

casper: ketaminae alike u I Love You!ers

casper: and a anddd voddy

weeweeslap: wtf? lol

Jer: -dies-

man: just stick with pot

casper: KATAMINE!

casper: AND!

casper: AhahahAH!

weeweeslap: X

Coasterkidmwm: Casper go to bed

man: heroin :O

Jer: meth

weeweeslap: go to bed, coasterkidmwm, wikk go get the anal lube meanwhile

Coasterkidmwm: yes

man: lol

Coasterkidmwm: we'll have a good time

ianko66: I'm still here

Coasterkidmwm: i?????????ll meet you in 5 minutes




man: im in bed

Coasterkidmwm: yes

ianko66: No no no

man: laptops rool

man: they rool more than taco bell

Jer has left the room.

weeweeslap: lol

casper: nbwdgahy! !aggdsg!!! WEFG BEVEDD!@ BAUITE@!

man: arg I wanna go get some quiznos


man: oh yea did you ban TLF yet?

weeweeslap: coasterkidmwmw, when I said you have to deviginize yourself this weekend, I meant you had to do it with a girl, casper does not count as a girl

Coasterkidmwm: Yes you?????????re horny I understand

casper has left the room.


Aim conversation with Casper:

IaNGuY 51 (8:44:28 PM): Hey, heard you were drunk.
IaNGuY 51 (8:44:30 PM): :P
Zan Lordofhell (8:44:54 PM): hahahhahahhaha
Zan Lordofhell (8:44:55 PM): ahah
Zan Lordofhell (8:44:57 PM): whomasd!?
Zan Lordofhell (8:45:01 PM): from romW~!
Zan Lordofhell (8:45:03 PM): WHO!?
Zan Lordofhell (8:45:05 PM): haha
IaNGuY 51 (8:45:16 PM): Lmao, coasterkid says it all
Zan Lordofhell (8:45:30 PM): hahaahaha
Zan Lordofhell (8:45:33 PM): we oveeeee hiM!
Zan Lordofhell (8:45:36 PM): LOVE!
IaNGuY 51 (8:46:02 PM): U r drunk right? Oh, what the hell am i asking this for?
IaNGuY 51 (8:46:05 PM): lol
Zan Lordofhell (8:48:54 PM): ahd
Zan Lordofhell (8:48:55 PM): WeaxssH!
IaNGuY 51 (8:48:56 PM): Capashi!
Zan Lordofhell (8:49:08 PM): XD
IaNGuY 51 (8:49:46 PM): Ala Tapicalinachika!
Zan Lordofhell (8:50:12 PM): jasg!???/
IaNGuY 51 (8:50:32 PM): Pacanicha! <3
Zan Lordofhell (8:50:49 PM): ?!!Q

IaNGuY 51 (8:50:59 PM): Idk, lol
Zan Lordofhell (8:57:09 PM): NIITEEEX
Zan Lordofhell (8:57:11 PM): XCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Zan Lordofhell (8:57:13 PM): SDASD!
IaNGuY 51 (8:57:08 PM): Nite nite
IaNGuY 51 (8:57:21 PM): Huggle
Zan Lordofhell (8:59:27 PM): hugngeles!
Zan Lordofhell (8:59:28 PM): xxxx
IaNGuY 51 (8:59:33 PM): Bye bye
Zan Lordofhell signed off at 9:01:05 PM.
zanlordofhell is offline and will receive your IMs when signing back in.

Aaaah, Good Times XD
Originally posted by GerstlCrazy:
The more time I spend on this website adds more to the impression that this has become a daycare.

Post June 18th, 2008, 2:21 am

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Post June 18th, 2008, 3:08 am

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Originally posted by jayman

^[lol], I think I saw him at recently.

Not the Gazag thong pic but it was good laughs.

Flat_land taking on TConwell.

Post June 18th, 2008, 7:23 am

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Flat_land ... [lol] ... and we see who lasted. [lol]

My fav memory was simply hanging out with Oscar at Knott's. It was good to draw the line from online to reality, chatting about crap for real, dealing with our multiple surgeries, comparing scars, and of course laughing at stupid members on MSN. Whom did we talk about you might ask? I'll never tell.

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Post June 18th, 2008, 7:48 am

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The first UK WWS meet i went to probably.
I met up with Gouldy and Gazag at Blackpool Pleasure Beach and it was an awesome day. Yeah, drawing the line from online to reality puts it perfectly T-Con.

Your "FAVORITE" WWS memory was a dude in a thong. I bet you'll get on well with Casper Dj Dj.

Post June 18th, 2008, 7:52 am
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell

and of course laughing at stupid members on MSN. Whom did we talk about you might ask? I'll never tell.


I'd bet it me! [lol][lol] Just because i'll probably never meet you guys [lol]
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Post June 18th, 2008, 7:55 am

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Post June 18th, 2008, 8:07 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell
and of course laughing at stupid members on MSN. Whom did we talk about you might ask? I'll never tell.


Probably me.
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Post June 18th, 2008, 10:34 pm

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Nah ... I'll give you a hint, MAN was on the hit list. [lol]
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Post June 18th, 2008, 11:18 pm
jayman Premium Member
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o, well then.. i thought you meant here on the site..
yeah.. i'd say any of the times i met up with members.. like when we all got our last ride on psyclone... oh, wait that wasn't fun at all..

Post June 20th, 2008, 5:31 pm

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For some reason, my favorite site memory was always the 2004 NoLimits Tournament. Back when GFA was hosting it, and I was younger and more obsessive about building coasters, that contest gave me a reason to want to rush home from school every day and jump on the computer.

I also really enjoyed the 2006 Cedar Point / Holiday World meet-up, though. Meeting Oscar, bockzilla, Coaster Indavidual, and Real was great fun.

Post June 20th, 2008, 5:47 pm

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the best memory is probally really sad to yall but it was the day oscar asked me to be a member of staff, i did feel quite proud that day and privalaged lol.

ohh and that first meetup in blackpool was awsome, you need to tell me when your in bolton again ECG so we can make another arangement for blacpool pleasure beach
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Post June 20th, 2008, 6:04 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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I wonder what slapsta's best memory is from this site [lol]
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Post June 20th, 2008, 6:24 pm
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Post June 21st, 2008, 10:11 am

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[lol][lol] @ Gav.
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