The contest is based on Cirque du Soleil (CDS).
Maybe this circus is known by you maybe not. CDS was among the first circusses that gave a show totally without animals. I was quite interested and visited the show Varekai lateley. Really, it is amazing what those people can do. Well. Totally enhausiastic I decided to recreate the Big Top in NoLimit's. Here's how it stated:

First, to start of the 4 pilons and the top section

The I begun wrapping the tent around that

Till it was totally finished, but that wasn't all!

The artists had to practise too, so their tent was build too
The roof section is made of 2 sheets of catwalk, the inner sheet is blue, the outer sheet is white. Despite my choice of color the inside is still too bright but hey, I am not going to change is. Especially because it is made of 19 sheets of catwalk, times 2 (2 layer) times 80 (80 pieces in total over all the roof) is in total about 3000 sheets of catwalk. I have managed to put it all in place in about 6 hours.

The interior until now, not yet finished

The exterior, totally finished for the big top

Top view from the complex

Overview from one of the sides
Some statistics:
- 12.000 free nodes
- 2.300 steel beams
- 4.800 catwalk supports
The total catwalk lenght is about 25 km when I have to believe the Tia toolbox, quite insane. Still, I love this kind of projects, it is really creative thinking and certainly with the new 1.7 update there is a lot more possible in NoLimits.
I would be pleased if you told me what you think about this madness!