For several weeks, the coasterdraft has been running and now that all the rounds are over, it is time to see which park has the best overall collection of coasters!
Voting is very simple, but there are some conditions:
-Your must be a ranked top3, in 1-2-3 style.
-Anything other than a ranked top-3 will not be accepted.
-Votes from users with less than 25 posts will not be accepted.
-You can vote until Sunday 24th 11:59 PM
-Drafters MUST vote in the draft they played. Failure to vote will result in DQ.
EDIT:-You cannot vote for yourself
Here is an example of what your vote should look like:
1. Cedarfanboy1995
2. XXcoasterdudeXX
3. FerriswheelEnthousiast8
Here is the full list of parks and coasters, below is some promotional material from the drafters:

Extraxyz - Rosada Amusement Park
gouldy - Betaland
hyyyper - Malibu Beach Boardwalk
ianko66 - Six Flags Soviet Russia
RideWarriorNation - Paseo en Euerrero Isle
Thank you for voting!