went here today cuz i got thursday and friday off as im going away for a weekend tommorrow. so i decided to go today as the weather isnt to bad and i really wanted to go on knightmere.
just a short review on the coasters then and a few piccys. only a few as i lost my camera half way throught the day but some really nice person handed it into guest services so i got it back. a big thankyou too whomever it was.
knightmere (BMRX as it once was) is a pretty wicked lil coaster. photos and video make it look alot bigger than it actually is. its a very compact lil coaster apart from the first drop and the turn in back into the main structure. its pretty forcefull with alot of high Gforces. the only complaints i have about it is you get quite rattled about through the first half since there is no heartlining and when leaving the station you get defened by an airhorn. otherwise its a pretty wicked ride.
Whirlwind standered spinning coaster, not much i can say apart from its a fun ride and its prettyfun.
now for the wierdest roaller coaster ive ever been on, dragon flyer.
theres alot of powered coasters out there but this one was driven by the ride op and had a deisel engine instead of on electric one. such a wierd wierd ride, was fun as it was pretty quick in places and sounded good when it traveled through the station. the only real gripe though is when you power out of the station you get a good lung full of exhaust fumes.
so ill pop up these few piccs i got befor i lost my camera and ill get a video done by tommorrow evening