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Giraffe - Euro Fighter

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Post November 10th, 2010, 6:48 pm

Posts: 6124
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Location: Minnesota, USA
Here's a first look at what I'm working on now. I've got the layout thoroughly planned out and almost all of it built. Smoothing and track tweaking will take place for quite a while until I'm satisfied, and I've never made any Gerstlauer track that I've been impressed with technically, so I'm really going to press myself to work hard on this. There will be more info and pictures once I get my layout satisfactorily, er, laid out.


Post November 10th, 2010, 7:29 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Why don't you have the immelman unroll the other way if it's going to turn like it appears to do in the picture. You could have less rotation if you went the other way.

Is this patterned after the newer ones with the wider drops and longer cars or the older design?
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Post November 10th, 2010, 7:38 pm

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What's the reason for less rotation? Maybe he wants more than 180*? Not like it hasn't been done before, or there's any reason it can't or shouldn't be.

Post November 10th, 2010, 7:41 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I'm approaching it from a G killing perspective.
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Post November 10th, 2010, 7:45 pm

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Well the rotation comes from here,
, and I thought it'd be tight to replicate it.

Post November 10th, 2010, 7:47 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Ah there is the inspiration.

Finish this fast because I wanted to make a Eurofighter when classes are over for the semester lol
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Post November 10th, 2010, 8:12 pm

Posts: 6124
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Location: Minnesota, USA
I seriously doubt it will be done fast. Granted I'm able to produce the trackwork efficiently even sometime in the near future, the supports will come thrice as slowly at least lol.

I don't understand what my finishing of this has to do with the process of making yours though

Post November 11th, 2010, 12:45 pm

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This looks quite good from the pictures!
The shaping looks pretty spot on if you ask me...

And, yeah, Giraffe as a name for a Eurofighter is so obvious, lol.

Post December 4th, 2010, 6:20 pm

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Nice colour and shaping. 3ds?
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Post December 25th, 2010, 10:54 pm

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