The Sandusky Fire Department responded to Cedar Point just before 3 p.m. Wednesday to a transformer fire.
Smoke could be seen from the park's webcam at Top Thrill Dragster. Firefighters had to evacuate 50 people from nearby buildings. No major fire damage occurred, but there was smoke damage.
Smoke could be seen from the park's webcam at Top Thrill Dragster. Firefighters had to evacuate 50 people from nearby buildings. No major fire damage occurred, but there was smoke damage.

This is the parks third fire of the year. In July, a maintenance building caught on fire, injuring two firefighters. Before the parks Halloween events, Mean streak had a small fire and remained closed for the rest of the season.
Estimated in 100,000 dollars, no damage to rides or injuries were reported.
Sources: ... 215292.txt ... edar-point