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Orlando area in February, questions

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Post December 31st, 2010, 3:32 pm

Posts: 414
Points on hand: 35.00 Points

I'm heading down to Orlando during February Break (apparently, that's only a northern thing. To you southerners, that's a week smack dab in the middle of February.) I'll be going to SWO, both IOA's, Old Town, Magical Midway, and BGA. But here's the thing:

-I haven't gone to BGA since 2007, and I last went in the middle of April.
-I haven't been to IOA since 2005.
-I haven't been to USF since 2001.
-I never went to either Old Town, SWO, or Magical Midway before.

I'm going to fly down on Monday, ride coasters Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, and fly back home on Friday. In one day, I will do SWO during the day and Old Town after the park closes. Another day, I'm going to do both Universals during the day, and Magical Midway after they close. And the other day, I'll drive out to BGA, and drive back to the Orlando area after they close. My questions are:

1: I haven't gotten tickets yet. Does it matter which order I should do the parks, since they're all in the middle of the week? (IE, how to avoid the most crowds.)

2: Are there any rides in those parks that are generally scheduled for maintenance at this time of year?

3: How nasty are the crowds? I'm most concerned with IOA because the Harry Potter section was closed off due to reaching capacity TWICE this past week, and IOA never did that before in the history of the park. And I'm doing two parks in one day. (Both Universals.)

4: Which order should I do for the Universal parks? At USF, I want to do all three coasters (yes, even Woody Woodpecker) Men in Black, and the Simpsons ride at bare minimum. At IOA, I want to do pretty much everything. I'd like to get re-rides on everything.

5: How likely is it that Cheetaka (I'm not calling it Cheetah Hunt; Cheetaka is a much better name) will have soft openings within the next six weeks?

6: Has Gwazi been regularly running both sides recently? Last time I went, only Tiger was running.
Last edited by Tanks4me on December 31st, 2010, 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post December 31st, 2010, 4:42 pm

Posts: 585
Points on hand: 2,153.00 Points
universal/ioa in the morning to afternoon is the best time on thursadays or tuesdays
bg i would do in the morning to afternoon also

the crowds are worse in the afternoons

i live in fl
like 45 min outside orlando
20 from disney
and 90 minutes from bgt

o and cheta hunt isnt even open :( and i doubt they will have soft openings :( probaly just testing it
gwazi has one side open the last two times i was there
harry potter is ok. not the best
i would go in the morning
i usALly go to universal/ioa in the morning to afternoon and i ride all the rides and get re runs
mummy is the re ride at universal
have fun
and if you are driving. be careful of the assholes on the road here

Post December 31st, 2010, 5:28 pm

Posts: 6124
Points on hand: 10,012.00 Points
Location: Minnesota, USA
Go to BGA.

BGA BGA BGA BGA BGA BGA. Who cares if Lion isn't running, Tiger is where it totally is at. And oh my goddd Cheetah Hunt is going to be so badass I don't care what anyone thinks.

Post December 31st, 2010, 5:59 pm

Posts: 1820
Points on hand: 5,394.00 Points
Bank: 1,660.00 Points
Gwazi sucks. The ride will probably be down anyway as both sides of ride are becoming increasingly unreliable. Cheetah Hunt isn't even halfway completed, and landscaping/testing will take definitely until late March-April before there is any news of opening.

Expect unbelievable waits for H:RRR, The Forbidden Journey, Manta, and SheiKra. This may not happen, but park attendance in Florida is always inconsistent. Be prepared to purchase fast passes/quick queues as that may be your only option if you want to ride all coasters/major attractions without wasting a whole day.

Journey to Atlantis may have a possibility of being closed down for annual maitainence.

Enjoy Kumba. The recent paintjob and new wheels will make the ride stand out among the best coasters out there. The roar of the ride will definitely be deafening.

When riding SheiKra, front row far right or far left gives great forces throught-out, and if you hold onto nothing, back row will give you awesome ejector/floater air on both drops.

The last thing I can say is that these parks enjoy fluctuating prices for things. H:RRR will probably not have a quick queue option.

Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post December 31st, 2010, 6:18 pm

Posts: 6124
Points on hand: 10,012.00 Points
Location: Minnesota, USA
Gwazi is badass you just can't be afraid of an ass-kicking like the pussy that you are.

Post December 31st, 2010, 7:47 pm

Posts: 1820
Points on hand: 5,394.00 Points
Bank: 1,660.00 Points
No, Gwazi WAS badass. You are just some love fanboy who thinks his opinion is truth. You do know that I have been on Gwazi more times than you.

Gwazi was once an absolutely great ride. The ride rarely even duels now. When the trains leave the station at the same time (rarely), they don't even line-up at the head-on/duel interactions. The ride needs a desparate repair at this point to return to glory. I think a GCI retracking or RMC intervention (iron horse may not be enough) will help return Gwazi back to its glory.

Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post December 31st, 2010, 8:19 pm

Posts: 5367
Points on hand: 1,916.00 Points
Location: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Universal never has lines these will be fine. Harry Potter attracts a sh*tload of people but the lines are always short...dragons is always a walk-on for example. Also, the lines for Rockit have been super short after it's long closure. I went a few saturdays ago and waited 10 minutes.

You will easily be able to do both parks on a weekday. I go every week so I'm pretty confident in that ;)

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