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Corrupt a wish

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Post August 22nd, 2008, 1:19 am

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wish granted, but now you have millions of dead iphones in your house.

i wish i could find some way to work for a coaster company in the designing field.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 2:17 am

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Granted, you design the world's best roller coaster, and it is the most popular ride in the world. Unfortunately, a train derails, and kills all the riders. The company you work for is sued and goes bankrupt, and worse, all the executives blame you and you alone for the ride's disaster. You are left with no money and no one else wants to hire you.

I wish I had patience to actually finish a smooth, pump-free, heartlined NL coaster that becomes a favorite with everyone on this website.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 7:00 am

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^Granted! But you spend so long designing it that you spent you're entire life doing it and by the time you finish there will only be two people left on this site so they love it, but it doesn't matter anymore because you're just a few weeks from death.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 8:29 am

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Originally posted by ianko66

Wish granted, but now you have $100,000,000 in Taco Bell Coupons.


Wish I had....hmm..... omg! hot girls on tv dancing. ohh.

I want one of them.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 8:39 am

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Granted, but it turns out the one you got is actually a guy...

I wish an amusement park would open next year, 15 minutes away from me, and that it only had great rides, including coasters, and that nothing bad would happen to it or anyone going there...
Beat that...

Post August 22nd, 2008, 10:45 am

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Granted, but on the way there to the park for your first time, you get into a car crash and die.

I wish I could go back to school. I've been out of school for 4 days becuase of Tropical Storm Fay, and I am bored out of my mind.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 11:01 am

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^ granted, but when you get back, the entire school burst into flames killing every person in sight, and all the doors are locked from the outside...

I wish uhh... hmm... I wish I could turn that giant useless 21 acre field behind my house into an amusement park that I own and manage.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 11:51 am

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^Granted, but you have no money so it instantly goes bankrupt.

I wish girls weren't so complicated.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 11:58 am

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^ wow me too, mine just stormed out of my house because apparently I was "wasting her time"? " I forgot she was of "royal heritage" lol.

anyways, granted, but the girl you date ends up having every single STD known to man.

I wish I didn't have to mow the lawn.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 12:15 pm

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Granted, you don't have to mow the lawn becuase your parents lose their jobs and you become homeless. In order to help fund your family, your parents force you to mow lawns.

I wish had unlimited money, and no one could steal it, be linked to crimes, and only I knew about it. All the money is in dollars, but the money can be exchanged into Euros, Pounds, etc.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 4:01 pm

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Originally posted by rcking04
I wish had unlimited money, and no one could steal it, be linked to crimes, and only I knew about it. All the money is in dollars, but the money can be exchanged into Euros, Pounds, etc.

Granted! But it turns out you can only spend it at McDonalds.

I wish I had a hot girlfriend who was nice to me always and loved what i loved and never dumped me and always looked beautiful and never cheated on me.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 4:04 pm
coolbeans326 User avatar
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^ granted, but she has AIDs and a stinky vagina

I wish world hunger would be solved

Post August 22nd, 2008, 5:36 pm

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Granted, but then obesity becomes a worldwide problem and fatalities actually rise.

I wish I could have a new guitar.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 6:11 pm

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granted but its a guitar for Guiter Hero, you should be a little more specific lol.

I wish I didn't have to go to school on monday.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 6:19 pm

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Granted! Now you have to go to school on Tuesday.

I wish I couldn't make wishes.

Post August 22nd, 2008, 6:28 pm

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granted but then you cant make birthday wishes forever and ever.

I wish that my coaster designs existed

Post August 22nd, 2008, 6:41 pm

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Originally posted by coolbeans326

^ granted, but she has AIDs and a stinky vagina


Post August 23rd, 2008, 5:08 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Originally posted by coastergeek25

I wish that my coaster designs existed

They exist but they collapse after a day and you get sued for millions of dollars that you don't have.

I wish... Uhm... Uhmm... Well, I wish nothing! [:D]

(go ahead and try to screw that one up xD)

Originally posted by ianko66

Granted! Now you have to go to school on Sunday.

Fixed... [lol]
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
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Post August 23rd, 2008, 5:57 pm

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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I wish that I had a device that would ride any roller coaster in the world whenever I wanted and it would always be open and provide a great ride and I would be the only person riding it and it would not hurt me and I would never get addicted to it and that device would always be fixed and it would never get broken or stolen.

Screw that up!

Post August 23rd, 2008, 6:01 pm

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^You can never figure out how to get it to work.

I wish I could... idk. skip me.

Post August 23rd, 2008, 6:19 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Granted, but you get crushed by the competition.

Oh I wish I had an Oscar-Meyer weiner......
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post August 23rd, 2008, 6:41 pm

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Granted but the date on the label expired 2 years ago.

I wish my mp3 player didn't have any problems.

Post August 23rd, 2008, 6:49 pm

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Post August 24th, 2008, 1:05 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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Nobody did screw up my wish! T_T

I wish nothing!
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
- Steel: 1268

Post August 24th, 2008, 1:50 pm

Posts: 215
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Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
I wish I could wish for anything I wanted and nobody could screw it up! OH!


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