i am going to get it in a few days, but my brother has it and we have been discussing it a truly amazing game, but for the moment(until my birthday) we have been 'lol'ing at this juicy piece if buttnugget:
we were laughing and my brothers friend made an interesting point: if god made EVERYTHING then surely he didn't just create man, he also created the ability for us to create, in turn he created spore, now if he/she didn't want us to develop sed amazingness then why would he do that? This guy should get over himself and enjoy life rather than b***h about what he thinks may be teaching his children to believe in evolution, i mean come on! if he thinks the game will teach his kids 'the wrong stuff' then he should simply teach them himself and not buy the game. sooner or later his kid will find out about the game and WILL play it, when he does he will develop and ask questions, surely a good thing? i am but 14 and i am a very inquisitive child, i like to know
why this does that, and why this happened etc, my dad is a good parent, he doesn't constrict me, he guides me, he doesn't pull me and i truly appreciate him for that. anyone agree with that you should let your children be a little more independant than: "you can't have that game because you're going to start asking questions about our orgins, that means you won't believe in our religion any more!" anyone agree with me on that?
BUY IT, BUY IT, BUY IT! (and click the piccy)