Here is a Tutorial/Article on Newton 2, expect a Part 2 in the future
< article pasted below>
Also, can i get this stickied?
Ok, open newton 2 and the interface should look something like this
To begin, lets go over the 4 Tabs. The first tab is the Single-Zone Force. Single as in you can only work on one Force at a time. You can adjust the Roll Setting, the Normal Force Settings, And the lateral settings shown here
Changing the Roll settings will change x BY not TO "x". So if you have a roll of say -40 degrees, and you change BY 70 degrees, it will not be 70 degrees, it will be 30 degrees! So moving on to Normal Settings, if you change the Normal (force) Settings by 3 (from the default 1g) you will need to make a 2g alternation. Works the same as Roll Settings. If you want to make a -0.5g hill, you would need to make an alternation of -1.5(starting with the default 1g). And now the Lateral settings, they work the same as Roll, and Normal settings. If you want to make a transition of say -0.6, you would change by 0, to -0.6. Although you don't really use this setting unless your making a recreation or a Wooden Coaster. Now that we have discussed the Single-Zone Force, lets move on to the Multi-Zone Force. Multi-Zone Force lets you work on multiple Forces at once. So lets build a simple hill with a -57 degree banking end. First, switch from the Single-Zone Force to the Multi-Zone Force, after you do that go to "Initial Values" under the Parameters Section. Change the Speed to 25 M/S, change the Normal (g) from 1g, to 3.3gz, and change the Y position to 10m. Then under the Parameters Section go to Global Values and change the heartline to 0.9 (to know what "heartline" your coaster needs, go to the conversion panel, looks like this,
Then you can see the heartline references at the bottom(you can also convert m/s to kmph or mph, and same with kmph and mph) and M to Feet. You can ignore the friction for now. once you've set the Parameters we can begin. Start by decreasing the Normal gz by -3.8, and Increasing the Time by 1.9 Seconds. You can then add a second time zone by clicking the + buttoned circled in grey. This Zone will be a "constant" Zone of -0.5(for airtime). Make this Zone 0.81 seconds. Then add a third Time Zone that will be 1.8 seconds. Increase the Normal gz of this section by 3.8. Now for the -57 degree Roll, so unlock the Roll Time Zone and make the existing Time Zone 3.11 seconds long. Then add a new Roll Time Zone and lock it. And then change the Roll by -57 degree's. Then make one more Normal Force Zone and change the Time to 0.5. If you've done this correctly the hill should look something like this,