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How do you create a contest

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Post September 26th, 2008, 10:22 am

Posts: 12
Points on hand: 1,392.00 Points
Hi I was wondering how you create a contest correctly. I noticed that on my topic Incredible Hulk contest, I said some things wrong, like it must be completed by november first. I just want to know the rules and most of all, the ways to get people to actually participate.

Thank You!!

Post September 26th, 2008, 11:22 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Well, you'll need a couple of things:

Rules, like min/max height/speed/length/trains or what track type to use or max G-forces
A Template, limited the workspace in horizontal and vertical views
A deadline, usually between 2 and 5 weeks.

The level of difficulty shouldn't be too high so that there is only 1 path to follow or only unrealistic coasters to be made. But on the other hand, a contest should also limit the freedom of building, in order to keep it challenging.

I suggest you browse trough the contest forum and take a look at the other contests.

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