That prelift section is going to be so much fun. I think I like that little drop better than the mystery mine one just because it's around a corner so it really will be a surprise.
that looks awesome, if you notice that the end few seconds has the 13th october '08, after which the ocober '08 fades out. perhaps something to do with the number 13? rollerross they stole your idea!
yes i no hmmmmmmm yess hmmm what shall i do with them i don't know ok the must make me the first rider on the ride! There we go anyway the ride looks awsome, Wish my house was at the front of thorpe park, Yess I live very near thorpe park,Near where the farm was.
Anyway here is what my recreation looks like so far!
Yes, i am gay, but whats that got to do with moving to London?
I prefer gay manchester. I'm moving because i'm starting a degree at Imperial College London!
Because London is a horrible place it is! Everyone talks like they are trying to be sick and everyone who lives there is either a foreigner, or gay. The clue is in the title "COCKney", come on now, it's a giant cockfest.
I'll tell you what I love about this coaster.... The vibrant colours!
That looks great. But, you double post ALOT. And just so you know, when you edit a post, it does the same thing to the topic; puts it on the front page.
I thought that drop looked a bit steeper than usual. Wicked, i bet the 3 degrees or so does make a difference Dirk, you can see the shaping of the drop due to the change has changed slightly, the top seems tighter, meaning serious ejector hopefully [:D]