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Visited a theme park and have a wild time?!? Post your trip report here and tell us all about it!

Post October 5th, 2008, 8:37 pm

Posts: 1180
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Location: Texas, USA

I'm going to do a small, short overall view of the current state of SFoT since my last report was obviously an irrational tandrum... durp.

SFoT is not as bad of a park I made it out to be. Yes, it is grossly overpriced (excluding ticket prices) but that's common in almost every park I've ever been to. Actually, when I think about it, SF food prices are equivalent to movie theater consession prices (in Texas, at least) which can round up to about $15-20 for a drink and food. This applies to everywhere in the park. You can't escape high prices no matter where you go. The only thing you can to be cheap is to ask for a cup of water which comes to you in one of those little pixie cups.

On my recent trip back, I had to pay about $14 for chicken fingers plus drink (I almost had to pay twice since the cashier failed to place my order(?) and wanted me to pay again).

You could bring a waterbottle with you, but then you'd run the risk of using the lockers.

Also, the food is awful. Like, really, really awful. You might as well just eat candy the whole time.

As for the lockers: they suck. Well, for me they do. I tend to bring my camera everywhere and it does not fit securely into my pocket. So I must pay $1 everytime I want to ride on of the rides that requires the locker. This can cost, if you rode each ride once, $4 (however, this is if you're stupid and don't keep your bag in one locker for both Mr. Freeze and Batman in which case it's $3).

On my recent trip, much to my dismay, I brought a small Point and Shoot camera with me instead. So I never had to use a locker. However, one of my friends did since she won a prize at the game stand. There's nothing really you can do to escape the lockers unless you bring along a friend or family member who will sit out the rides in order to look out for your stuff.

As for the rides... well, they'll continue to be awesome. There's nothing really wrong with any of them save for Mr. Freeze which breaks down all the time. Also, maybe Texas Giant. poop is painfully rough and I think would benefit from a retracking because, during my recent visit, no one was going on it. There was a moderate amount of people at the park and you could still remain seated for a second ride if you wanted. That should tell you something.

The park still smells like diapers. I appreciate the fact that they have what appears to be ONE spot for smokers in the entire park (I have yet to see another). Also, since I am unfortunate enough to live in Texas, the fat sweat and B.O. plus Texas heat, well, you get the picture.

Being in the South, there is also a chance you'll run into someone dipping or chewing (slim chance, might I add, I've only seen a few instances of spitting).

Let's just say all in all the park isn't that bad. You can ride all the coasters once in about 4 hours on a good day since that's all the park really has to offer.

Oh, and beer. They have that, too.
Last edited by Z00Z3R on April 27th, 2009, 7:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post October 5th, 2008, 8:49 pm
Oscar User avatar
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That sucks. That park shall be admitted to the "Hall of Shame!"
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post October 5th, 2008, 9:18 pm

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Too bad about the horrible day, I'm sorry. But, you should've known about the one dollar rule. There's signs everywhere before you enter the rides, and the rule has been put in place at all Six Flags except for La Ronde and Great Escape. And really, one dollar isn't too bad, you'll only spend about five dollars the whole day. Also, the lockers last 3 hours at the Six Flags I've been to this season, just leave your bags in there, go to the rides near that locker, and then come back and get your bags.

The closing early thing, you probably could've gotten half your money back, La Ronde didn't hesitate at all when my friends asked for some money back after they closed 3 or 4 hours early.

The soda problem could be fixed easily as well...

Also.... Everyone pays kids price at Six Flags, howd you pay $55..?

Post October 5th, 2008, 9:58 pm

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Location: Texas, USA

i haven't been there in 2 years... that and i didn't see any signs until i started looking for them; in which case it listed all the rides. but even still, that's ridiculous. they used to have lockers for FREE at every ride.

and they wouldn't let me back on? seriously? that's complete bullpoop.

our admission price for adults is $49.99 which ended up coming out at $55. i don't know how you managed to pay kid's price...

as for the rides, they said Titan "had broken down and would not open for the rest of the day". that may have been true, but the fact that every ride closed at the same time makes it seem highly unlikely.

and yeah, the soda could've been fixed (which i did do), but not the vending machines since it wasn't cash.

oh, and i forgot to mention above, they had 2 people at the gates. took 45 minutes just to get in.

Post October 5th, 2008, 10:25 pm

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at CP you can leave your things in a locker all day. its one dollar every time you want to open it. so if you have everything you need, you really only need to open it twice during the day. once to get stuff half way threw the day if you need to, and once at the end. but i never take anything extra so i never need lockers.

sorry about your rough trip man. :/

Post October 5th, 2008, 10:28 pm

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Post October 5th, 2008, 10:46 pm

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Thank god I'm closest to Valleyfair [lol]

Adam that's a bitch about your day. I was frustrated just from reading about the Mr. Freeze incident. Hopefully it doesn't get bad like that at another park. The $1 each locker is nasty as hell. Every park I've gone to you're allowed to sit your carryings next to the train, or if a locker is necessary, you can keep it all day.

=/ Harsh luck. Hope it's better next park you visit!

Post October 6th, 2008, 12:00 am

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Location: Miami, FL, USA
Wow, that REALLY sucks. =At Maverick, you arent allowed to have ANY loose items but we also have bins, which most people refuse to use and therefore lose their stuff, then just whine about it.

Like the others said, better luck on your next trip :]
Cant really go wrong with any Florida park :P

Post October 6th, 2008, 1:05 pm

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Location: Texas, USA

^ they used to have little cubbies to stow stuff on Texas Giant and Titan. the moving platform on Mr. Freeze was a good place to leave stuff and Batman had a big area for stuff, but they've gotten rid of all of that (i don't know about batman, but I wasn't allowed to get in line with my bag anyway).

one thing i noticed was a kid had won a big stuffed animal and thus attempted to place it on the other side of the station, but they told him he had to stow it in a locker despite the fact it wouldn't fit in one. :\

Post October 6th, 2008, 3:04 pm

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Location: orlando

Buy your tickets online then...
"Everyone pays kids price"

I still feel like you could've done a lot more to make your day better, but I'm still very sorry for you.

Also, whats the credit card problem thing with the vending machines? I use my debit in there all the time, works fine, I love it.

Post October 6th, 2008, 4:47 pm

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it would accept my friends credit card, and then when he pressed the button, it would tell him to insert money.

this was only on 2 of the machines, though. we ended up walking to somewhere indoors to get a drink despite them being more expensive inside for some reason.

and yeah, i'll buy tickets online next time. i already vowed this [:p]

Post October 6th, 2008, 5:24 pm

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Post October 6th, 2008, 11:02 pm

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like i said, you have to be looking for them. when i'm running around the entirety of the park, i'm not going to stop and read every sign on the way to the rides.

so instead of having four or five signs scattered throughout the park, they should have them posted big enough on the entrance to each ride so that they're obvious. and they should not be a wall of text, either.

oh yeah, and it wasn't just me. i saw quite a few people being pulled out of line or off the ride for having bags and toys that "won't fit in their pockets".

Post October 7th, 2008, 12:07 am
dhh User avatar

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Sorry you feel you had a bad experience. I was at the park this past Saturday, and despite it apparently being the same day as some kind of "Cheer Hell Day" at the park, we had an incredible time.

As to your complaints:
1. as someone mentioned earlier, next time buy your tickets online, or find another discount - there are multiple offers out there.

2. Although they are not "everywhere", the signs warning about the new locker policy are quite numerous, from the before you get in the park, all the way to in front of the specific rides that have the new locker policy. And no you don't have to hunt for them, they are in plain site. And the people being pulled out of line? There will always be the section of people that think the rules don't apply to them. Do I agree with the locker policy? not completely! It can be a hassle, and I know it is an easy way for the park to make money. But they (the policies and the lockers) are there. The rules are there too, and they do have to be followed. Everyone has the choice to abide by the rules or not take anything into the park that would require a locker in the first place. I will say this...I do miss the cubbies.

3. The smell? must have been coming from the new Cowboy Stadium. I have thought the park is actually cleaner this year than it has been in a long time.

4. Over-iced drinks? Ask for "half ice" when you order. You would be surprised how nice the employees can be sometimes.

5. As to the park being "admitted to the 'Hall of Shame!'" I would disagree completely. The experience, maybe, but not the park.

Learn how to make the park work in your favor...for instance, park admission:

Park Admission (at the gate): $50
Season Pass: $70 (approx)

Park Admission (pre-bought): $30
In-park upgrade to Season Pass: $30
Current in-park upgrade to 2009 Season Pass $40.

That's two years of as many Six Flags parks you can get to for slightly more than the price of one 2008 Season's Pass.

:::::stepping off the soapbox now:::::

Post April 27th, 2009, 1:44 pm

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There just trying to get you to pay for it.. [}:)]

Post April 27th, 2009, 2:01 pm

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Six Flags parks need to work on their customer service/relations and pricing skills BIG TIME!! I use to love going to Six Flags Great Adventure until the whole locker situation and the fact that rides close early or for the entire day! I go to amusement parks for the thrill and the experience. Ride closings don't help the experience. But the employees have the nerve to get pissed at me when I complain about the ride closures. Six Flags is a rip off and then need to work on reorganizing their priorities! I stick to Cedar Fair parks. They really know how to treat guests and give them a memorable experience. I should know, I worked for them for 6 years! Hershey is an amazing park as well. I have never had a complain about how they run their business.

Post April 27th, 2009, 2:28 pm

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Every time I've gone to SFOT the park has been really, really awesome...including the operations. Even when the park was dead Freeze was running both sides and every coaster had 2 trains running.

The locker rule has been there for a while now...but its only on Batman, Freeze, Titan, and Giant. I would just stay at Shockwave if you don't want to pay :P.

Post April 27th, 2009, 4:01 pm

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Wow that sucks. Every time I go to Magic Mountain, it's like a luxurious treat. The staff are always nice, they ask you to place your stuff off to the side of the ride then let you on the ride, and, the paths- like walking on gold [:)]

Post April 27th, 2009, 4:29 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Preventative Measures:
*Don't live in Texas, it's the stupidity and slowness vortex of the United States. Everyone I've ever met from Texas is slow (speed wise) and/or dumb (usually and). If you go to other regions of the country you'll find people can read and do things like walk a mile in under 30 minutes.
*Comparison shopping is nice
*Read park policies and signs.
*Don't bring 80000 things to the park.
*Don't be a dumbass and drink gatorade when you haven't been exercising. Drink water instead.
*You don't have to spend 20 bucks at Johnny Rockets on a meal. Again don't be a dumbass and comparison shop.
*Things break, get over it, and 30 minutes is not too long to wait in line.
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post April 27th, 2009, 5:41 pm

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I'm glad someone agrees with me on the gatorade thing. people just tell me to shutup when I point that out
What are these for?

Post April 27th, 2009, 7:13 pm

Posts: 1180
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Location: Texas, USA

Why did this resurface?

Actually, maybe it's a good thing since I recently went back for a Physics trip.

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