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Cedar Point- WOOD you believe it?

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Post October 10th, 2008, 8:57 pm

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"Wood you believe it"... Cedar Points new slogan for their secret project.

Cedar Points website has posted this page showing that something will be done with a shipment of wood that was brought to the park earlier this week.

"We love receiving shipments like this. We suppose you could say we never get board with it.
It's Cedar-fantastic.
We bet you're all pining to know what it's for...
Just leaf it to us experts and we'll search the park's trunk for answers.
Thank you, thank you. We'll be here all week."


Post October 10th, 2008, 9:28 pm
jayman Premium Member
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well.. it's planks, and not prefabbed track peices..
looks like i might start wanting to see cedar point after all...

Post October 10th, 2008, 9:38 pm

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Its not for a wood coaster guys.. Its for the retracking of Mean Streak. Not 100% sure what company is doing it but we think GCI will be doing it.

Post October 10th, 2008, 9:38 pm

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lol you really need to try one of the new Intamin wooden coasters...

Post October 10th, 2008, 10:25 pm
jayman Premium Member
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have them build one within 5 miles of here and i will,

Post October 10th, 2008, 10:47 pm

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screw re-tracking it... Knock the damn thing down and put a big ole shiny Intamin in its place! Who cares if they already have 4! they're pretty! and while there at it, knock over the stupid disaster transport and put a euro fighter there.

Post October 10th, 2008, 10:56 pm

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Or they can knock it down and put an even better GCI in its place :]

Post October 10th, 2008, 11:17 pm

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Post October 10th, 2008, 11:36 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Post October 11th, 2008, 12:58 am

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I'm going tomorrow, I'll see if there's anything going on in the Mean Streak area.

Post October 11th, 2008, 5:00 am
gouldy User avatar
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what do you have againt the intamin pre-fabs, Jayman?

I understand how it's like "against nature" lol, but they are pretty much the most extreme rides ever! I know they're not traditional wooden coasters as such but come on, they're still amazing. El Toro is certainly my favourite woody

Post October 11th, 2008, 5:53 am
hyyyper User avatar
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The wood looks very thick to be use for (re)tracking. GCI uses thinner wood for their tracks.

Post October 11th, 2008, 9:04 am

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Well it would just be re-tracking it would also require some re-profiling as well so that would explain the diffrent thickness.

Post October 11th, 2008, 9:33 am

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Mean Streak is a wooden coaster disgrace and deserves a publicized implosion. Just imagine what Cedar Fair could build in its place! A new Euro-Fighter or a Intamin pre-fab? A wicked CCI or GG coaster would really attract attention, and a twisted GCI would become a crowd favorite!

Post October 11th, 2008, 11:08 am

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Honestly, I think putting another wooden coaster in its place would be a bad idea. Average people would still think it's just as bad as Mean Streak.

Post October 11th, 2008, 11:08 am

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WOO! Mean Streak Re-tracking! Now CP will have 2 great woodies!

Post October 11th, 2008, 12:35 pm

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Imagine how much gci could twist up mean streaks forcless, rough track and make it an awsome coaster. If they knocked mean streak down it would just be loosing money so dont expect it.

Post October 12th, 2008, 9:15 am

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Originally posted by rcking04

Mean Streak is a wooden coaster disgrace and deserves a publicized implosion. Just imagine what Cedar Fair could build in its place! A new Euro-Fighter or a Intamin pre-fab? A wicked CCI or GG coaster would really attract attention, and a twisted GCI would become a crowd favorite!

I love how people don't think though what they say. Mean Streak is a CCI coaster and look how it became. Also CCI is no longer in business. Wow people are slow. I could see an Intamin pre-fab but no way would I see a GG coaster. GG coasters are maintenance nightmares. Since they use double bench PTC's and the design is so twisted the trains just rip the track apart. Just look at the voyage for an example.

Anyways that all I have to rant about right now.

Post October 12th, 2008, 10:18 am

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^Actually Mean Streak is a Dinn Cooperation Coaster.

Post October 12th, 2008, 11:33 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by tiepilot35

Retracking Mean Streak by GCI? Hell yes.

I know replacing an airless ride with another airless ride is a great investment!
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post October 12th, 2008, 11:44 am

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WOO! Mean Streak Re-tracking! Now CP will have 2 great woodies!

....What? Blue Streak was in serious need of retracking last summer too, and while it did have airtime, it was killed by the dumb ratchet bars. Not a bad ride, but not great by any means.

I know replacing an airless ride with another airless ride is a great investment!

...Ride a new one.

Post October 12th, 2008, 2:55 pm

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Originally posted by Topdrag

Mean Streak is a CCI coaster


Post October 12th, 2008, 3:23 pm

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Mean Streak was designed by Curtis D Summers and built by the Dinn Corporation in 1991. Custom Coasters did not build there 1st coaster until 1992(Sky Princess, now the Kingdom Coaster at Dutch Wonderland). Cedar Point has more than 4 Intamin coasters to by the way, in fact they have 6 Intamin AG coasters. Disaster Transport, Jr. Gemini, M Force, TTD, Wicked Twister, and Maverick.

I think GCII is going to do a major overhaul of Mean Streak, which will include a major re-profiling of the course. Also keep in mind the tallest GCI to date is Troy at Toverland standing 110' tall. So I would not be surprised to see Mean Streak get shortened up a little bit. Why build a coaster 161' and have the final brake run be 50 to 60 feet in the air. Why not build it 130' and have to final brake run be 20' feet high. Your total vertical drop is the same and you eliminate the 150 foot plus hill that shakes the entire course, which is also why there are brakes all the way down the 1st hill.

Post October 12th, 2008, 5:29 pm

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The wood looks like the good ol' 2x4 southern yellow pine. Looks like coaster wood. Sadly, since GG predominantly uses steel structures nowadays, and Intamin would be shipping in segments, that greatly reduces both possibilities.

Post October 12th, 2008, 6:40 pm

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Imagine how fun Mean Streak will be when it is smooth and fast...


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