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need help on object creator

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Post October 16th, 2008, 11:49 pm

Posts: 1
Points on hand: 1,308.00 Points
Location: GoldsBoro, North Carolina, USA
I'm not that sure on how to use the object creator can someone help me

Post October 26th, 2008, 8:34 am

Posts: 48
Points on hand: 3,649.00 Points
Location: Chesterfield, United Kingdom
I experimented with the object creator and made a basic sphere. It saves it as an '.ocobject' file, but when using the track editor and you want to add an object from the main tool bar options, it only gives the '3ds' objects to choose from so I am stuck as well.

Can anyone tell us how to add an object created with the object creator program, thanx.

Post October 26th, 2008, 10:42 am

Posts: 1068
Points on hand: -1,299.00 Points
Bank: 1,430.56 Points
Ok if you want to add more to your project you can save it under save object file, and then you could add more to your project.

If your having problem exporting that is easy yo go to file/export/3d object but make sure the object its where the texture is and it should work.

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