Doubt it, that would be stupid, way to limit your potential guests.
![test [lol]](
Extrememly doubtful there would be an age limit, they might do some sort of extra at halloween with an age limit, but ordinarily it shouldnt have one.
Im really not sure what to think about this, im not a fan of rides themed after films unless they are pulled off extremely well. I really hope they pour lots of money into themeing and effects for this, otherwise it will be a let down. Any ride that is going to rely on atmosphere this much needs a fantastic themeing and set designer, i hope the woman who has the job is good enough. Themeing air, oblivion and stealth doesnt really give me great hopes. They are good looking rides, but this themeing job is WAY more important. The whole idea of the ride pretty much will rely on the themeing. Sure the ride itself is obviously important, but now its attached to a big name like SAW, the themeing has to be pulled off pretty spectacularly, because the general public are going to be much more expectant.