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Gravity Group Coaster to China, "Fireball"

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

Post January 18th, 2008, 10:50 pm

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Amusement Today is reporting that M&V has agreed to construct a new wooden coaster for a new park in Shanghai, China, designed by the Gravity Group:

In an exclusive to Amusement Today, officials at G. Martin & A. Vleminckx Amusement, Ltd. have confirmed that the Montreal-based company will build China's first wooden roller. The ride is currently slated to open during the 2009 season.

The recipient of the country's first wooden coaster is Overseas Chinese Town, a new park being constructed in Sheshan, Songjiang, Shanghai. The coaster will be situated on an island near the park's main entrance. As guest pass through the front gate, the ride's structure will appear as a bamboo curtain.

The as-yet-unnamed coaster is a combination Out & Back and Twister style with a dogleg footprint. Sporting ten track crossovers and two road crossovers, it will stand 108.25 feet tall with a first drop of 103.5 feet. It will feature 3,819 feet of twisted track and reach a top speed of 56 mph.

Philadelphia Toboggan Coasters will provide the rolling stock, which will consist of two six-car trains seating four riders per car.

The ride was sold by G. Martin & A. Vleminckx Amusement, Ltd. and will be sourced in Canada and the U.S. The fabrication and installation supervision will be handled by Martin & Vleminckx. The project is a turnkey delivery excluding foundations and installation labor.

With engineering of the coaster sub-contracted to The Gravity Group of Cincinnati, Ohio, the ride will be designed and fabricated according to ASTM standards and delivered from America.


I think that all though it is a different style for the GG, the ride should still deliver in many areas. Other than the first turnaround the ride looks really solid to me!
Last edited by Austin on December 22nd, 2008, 10:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post January 18th, 2008, 11:20 pm

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It looks like a decent design. Congratulations to China on breaking their woodie virginity.

Sort of off topic, but I wonder what coaster will be first to use the new PTC single bench trains?

Post January 19th, 2008, 12:08 am

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"I think that all though it is a different style for the GG, the ride should still deliver in many areas. Other than the first turnaround the ride looks really solid to me!"

Sounds EXACTLY like some of what we heard in the months leading up to Boardwalk Bullet. And that first turnaround hauls some serious ass--I'd have faith in the Gravity Groupies to shake the Chinese a couple inches taller! [:D]

Post January 19th, 2008, 12:20 am

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Originally posted by Myriad

I'd have faith in the Gravity Groupies to shake the Chinese a couple inches taller! [:D]

Not even -3.0 gs...

But yeah, this, for GG. They will impress us.

Post January 19th, 2008, 12:26 am

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I thought Kemah would've been the first to use the 2-seaters, seeing as how it's so compact.

That thing looks pretty cool. It's nice to see a traditional wood coaster every now and then.

Post February 11th, 2008, 12:51 am

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Post August 27th, 2008, 11:06 pm
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Thanks to Jakizle for posting this initial topic. It has helped us become established in Google's eye as an authority site! We are the shizzle!

Post November 2nd, 2008, 9:54 am

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Post November 2nd, 2008, 10:52 am

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At least it is not some lame jet coaster that does nothing.

Post November 6th, 2008, 8:19 pm
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Post November 8th, 2008, 12:56 am

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Post December 22nd, 2008, 10:20 pm

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[]ThemeParkReview[/url] has posted new pictures of the New Fireball roller coaster going into China.

Top of lift:
Curving drop:
First airhill and drop; overview:

Post December 22nd, 2008, 10:51 pm

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Post December 23rd, 2008, 12:21 am

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This looks like another excellent wooden coaster :)

Also, is it just me, or does the virtual model look like NoLimits?

Post December 23rd, 2008, 9:11 am
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Wow, It's now already a beautyfull woody. Can't wait untill it's finished. I really need to go to China so badly xD

Originally posted by bobbyjo

This looks like another excellent wooden coaster :)

Also, is it just me, or does the virtual model look like NoLimits?

It is NoLimits [;)]
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Post December 23rd, 2008, 10:07 am

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Is it just me, or does the part between the first drop and the firt turn look like it would have something special to it at the bottom? It looks immensly drawn out. Maybe there is a little bump in there?

Post December 23rd, 2008, 10:44 am

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If you can find it, there's an onride of the NL model on the park's website. I don't care to go through and find it again with all those foreign characters lol.

Post December 23rd, 2008, 11:04 am

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^^I think you're looking at it the wrong way... The track goes into that huge hill first, and than into that big turnaround...

Anyways, this coaster looks absolutely great! Why do the Asians always get the crazy woodys... :S
I mean, they got T-Express, and now this...
I'm jealous.

Post December 23rd, 2008, 11:51 am

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Originally posted by Vid_w

^^I think you're looking at it the wrong way... The track goes into that huge hill first, and than into that big turnaround...

Ouch... [xx(]

thanks for the info dude!

Post January 15th, 2009, 9:04 pm

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Fireball Update

Another update for the only wooden coaster in China. This time directly from the GravityGroup website at The return run is shown and the first airhill, along with a few twists and turns here and there.

Looking out toward the turnaround drop.

First airhill seen to the right, and return trip and second airhill seen to the left.

Into the brakerun.

The drop from the lift hill along with all the twisty track beneath.

Looking good so far!

Post January 15th, 2009, 9:22 pm

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That s-curve in the first picture looks really cool.

Post January 15th, 2009, 9:25 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Post January 15th, 2009, 9:26 pm

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Post January 15th, 2009, 9:40 pm

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I'm diggin all the beautiful crossovers. The rails make this ride look superb. To bad I'll never ride it lol.

Post January 15th, 2009, 10:03 pm

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^me dos. Looks fun to ride, my roommate is from china, and knows nothing about coasters, but hes interested in the fact that its the first woody in china. Those crossovers are beastin'. Btw, do GCI's ever have airtime? My home park woody (Roar @ SFDK) has no airtime, not one little pop. Sorta lame, but its a fast layout.
So, my friend came up to me the other day and asked if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I want a normal banana later, so... yea.

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