Day 2 of my holiday to California, Since the parks around San Francisco are only open in the weekends it was today off to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom. But because of Halloween the park was open from 4pm till 10pm. Should be enough to ride all the Rollercoasters, right? But what to do in the morning then? Since mom wanted to see also something from the city we did first drive around all morning. Eventually drove over the Golden Gate bridge to make some photo's there and then continued the journey to SFDK.
We arrived nice on time around 4pm and the park was nearly empty at that moment. (Pretty obvious since it just opened). Bought a Season Pass for just $50,- which also should give us entry to SFMM later on our trip. After that we continued our walk to Medusa.
169: Medusa
Yay, the only B&M Rollercoaster with a roll over element. Drop was fun in the back, looping felt like it was climbing forever when I rode it for the first time. Zero G roll was fast! Roll over, rode like it was an immelman and dive loop right after eachother, instead of a constant roll it had a short strait piece in between. Way up the MCBR, fun... short hump of airtime. The 2 corkscrews, fun. Noticed a really close call with the track just before the 2nd corkscrew. Cool! And another thing. Was it just me or did that operator (Justin) look really familiar to me? Isn't he also a member here? xD
After riding Medusa a couple of times we continued the walk to the season pass pickup and we got our card, after that it was off to the other side of the park that had more Rollercoasters. After walking a while we saw V2: Vertical Velocity.
170: V2 - Vertical Velocity
This is my favorite steel ride of this park. My very first Intamin Impulse. Enjoyed every part of it. Probably because of the main Hangtime you'd get when your sitting in the middle of the train. xD Intense launch like expected from an Intamin coaster. Rode it over and over and over! This was my mom's favorite ride from today xD
After a couple of rides on V2 (front, back, middle) it was off to the woody which was just laying next door. Those turns looked already so sweet. Luckily the wait was really short so we hopped on immediatly.
171: Roar
My 3rd GCI woody and 2nd with Millennium Train. I love it! Airtime, twist and turns, G forces. Fun fun fun! Too bad the strait airtime hills did let me a little down on airtime. I'd expected at least some little floater on those. But those tiny ejector humps and the tunneled part really did made this coaster my favorite of this park. Awesomeness! I shot an onride backseat from the ride in darkness. From what I've seen on camera it came out alright. Oh, do they always run one train on roar? The storage make me feel that they can run 2 trains but the queue signs say the correct queuing time, and the 2nd train was nowhere to be found...
172: Tony Hawk's big spin
Newest coaster, my first Gerstlauer spinner. Cool ride, but that's about it. A little short on my likings.
After that back to other rides and the other rollercoasters, I also tried to ride the little kiddie Rollercoaster in Looney Tunes Land. I was too tall to ride!
![test [lol]](
174: Boomerang
A ride as usual, but I loved the comment of one of the guest, after the ride: "Ouch, Now I have a headache". I really was thinking: "Doh! It's a Vekoma Boomerang!".
After this the park was nearly closed again, done lot's of rides on the coasters but I barely had seen anything about Halloween. I saw something that looked like a trail, but I didn't feel like paying another $10,- for just one trail. At walibi World you'd get 3 trails for that price. Also I really missed out the true creeps in the park. Apparently there was a zombie zone at Medusa, but I haven't really seen any actors hanging around there. And if I've seen some, the were far from believable. xD So walking through a lame zombie zone, just to enter a 45min queueline for the SLC. They had only one train running. Which made the the wait too long! But Six Flags TV made it luckily feel less long. Now I had something to entertain myself with: Complaining about the totally wrong footage when showing El Toro or Superman Ride of steel. For El Toro they used really old footage of a PTC Wooden Coaster, and superman ride of steel had shots in it when an Arrow coaster was going over the top of an hill! WTF! Also why did the operator claimed that Kong was the best ride in the park? Far from true, every time he said that (about every 10 min), I inserted a HUGE COUGH on the end when he said that xD. Other people that were in the queueline with me agreed. xDDD Anyway, After finally having a ride backseat it was time to leave the park again. Park was closed and I've reached the counter of 175 different Rollercoasters so far. Still counting tho! Going to hit so much more parks so I'm definitely going over the 200 this holiday. I wonder which ride that is going be!
Here are some photo's of the day, I barely used my camera that day. I was enjoying the rides too much! xD

On the way through we saw something like a demostration group. Didn't care enough about it to check it out on a closer view.

Yay, it's the Golden Gate Bride...

It wasn't that busy on the road today.

Alcatraz island, we should send all noobs to that island!

Now it was continuing the road to SFDK.

Ah crap, it started to rain. Let's hope we'll get a dry evening in the park.

Woohoo, a coaster!

Awesomeness, all coasters in one spot of the park. Looks like a typical six flags park to me [pshades]

Medusa ^_^

Roar! [pshades] Damn, I love woodies!

That rollover looks weird huh? I'd expected a continues roll, no small break between it.

V2, My favourite steel coaster here! Love the launch, hangtime, everything!

Yay, me riding the little kiddie coaster. xD

Awesome Shirts does the staff have xD

Arghhh... Scary pumpkin invasion. xD

Roar! [pshades]

V2: Vertical Velocity [pshades]

And as a final photo, the station of Roar [:)]
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