Hmmm... this year was a lot of fun. At least I wasn't doing drum corps, so I got a chance to take an extended trip to HW in the summer!
Holiday World (2 trips, 3 days total)
Indiana Beach
SF St. Louis (first visit)
Kings Island
New Coasters:
Everything at SFSL
Steel Hawg
Some quick reviews:
The Voyage still offers the most exhilerating, out-of-control, obscenely intense ride on earth. Nearly every section of the track throws you around, and in dramatically different ways at that. Oh, yeah, there may be a moment or two (or 25) of airtime in there as well. Getting to do 3 laps on a fine summer evening was the highlight of my season. My thighs still ache

If you haven't ridden this or been to Holiday World yet, you're really missing out on a great set of woodies in a fantastic park. 11/10
Steel Hawg offered a unique ride for sure. The capacity was terrible, but that's partially understandable with the car design. The first drop is mind-bending, and there are several really fun moments throughout, such as that outside turn. It was not nearly as uncomfortable or forceful as I had feared (I would describe it as smooth, even). That being said, the real reason to go to IB is for the woodies and flat rides... 6/10
Firehawk turned out to be a pleasant surprise after I waited 2.5 hours for it during a cool evening. Certainly not worth that long of a wait, but let's just say that my next project is a flying dutchman. Riding in the front at night was flat-out fun. 7.5/10
Screamin' Eagle is pure John Allen genius, and was excellent at night. 8.5/10
Evel Knievel was a big hit with my girlfriend, and for good reason. Definitely recommended. 8/10
Mr. Freeze inspired my latest ride and was everything I thought it would be but not a whole lot more. 7/10
The Boss delivered a shockingly smooth first ride which was not repeated for the rest of the day. I like a lot of CCIs better than this one, but the scale of the ride was impressive and made it fun to ride. I did not appreciate being forced to pay $1 for a locker at the entrance, especially having gone to HW two weeks prior. 7/10
Overall this year was great fun for what it was, and I went to about as many parks as my college student budgeting would allow. I had planned on traveling to the Dells as well, but couldn't pull it off. I'll definitely be heading back to STSL within the next 4 years; great park. Now it's time to sit back and wait for 2009 to roll around...