I went to Alton towers with school today. Was pretty good. Bit busy, bit lousy weather... otherwise good. Anywai,
The day commenced at 6:45 getting woken up by my mother, got showered, dressed and packed bag for departure to school at 7:15. Got to school, got on coach at 7:30, then came the 2 hour 30 min coach to Towerzland. Got there are like just after opening time, legged it in a group of four to Nemesis. We were like one of the first ones on, didn't have much choice on the seating though :/, I decided to not be fussy and let my group choose. They choose the row 2nd from back, so up the lift and down the course within 20 mins of opening. Nemesis is good near the back, getting whipped through the snappy forceful elements feels great

Then it was a sky ride journey to the 'dark forest'... Over all thoughts on this area is that its pretty lame. Rita doesn't fit in. Thir13een was a new ride to me, Didn't ride it last year, so it was quite a treat. We queued for about 40 minutes (even though the signs said 20 mins :/). Personally I liked the theming of 13 however it just standout with Rita's absolutely random theme. 13 was a surprise, even though I knew about the drop, it was kinda like, 'didn't expect that'. Same with the backwards helix, really took me by surprise, I didn't know there was a drop into it and being at the front we got some good airtime and a bit of a feeling like 'i'm gonna die'. The outside course was quite good in the front, there was some nice forces, some good hairtime (even if it was trimmed). Could really feel it being trimmed but it was fun, just a bit short, could have done a bit more. Personally now after actually riding it, Its not a bad ride, its a bit short, but its fun and a great family coaster, I wouldn't queue for longer than say 20 mins for it, I only queued for 40 because it was the first time i've ever ridden it. After 13 we had to go and meet the teachers to prove we're ok and such, so we did in the square near mutiny bay. By now it was absolutely tipping it down with rain so we decided it was a good time for lunch so we got food from a nearby restaurant thing. Got absolutely love ripped off. 'Regular' drinks were love huge, and cost ?????????2.50 (30p more for large). I wasn't too hungry so i just got some overpriced lattice fries. They were average. After lunch we headed over to Hex, queued for about 20 minutes including the indoor bit. It was a good walk through bit and the ride at the end is quite amusing. Its a bit funny since you only bank like 30* either way, but it feels like your upside down. Mind love and just to our luck it was love sunny as we walked out. After Hex we went to Rita and queued for about 15 mins before it broke down. Something to do with the retractable brakes. They went down, train got into launching position, lights went all red and then the brakes went up. Took about 5 mins to fix but it cleared the queue. I managed to get on the back row which was nice. Some good airtime on it in the back, quite strong and not as rough as I remember it. After Rita we met up with some more friends so there was about 12 of us and we went to Nemesis again. Queued for about 30 mins since I wanted to go on the front. love that was worth it. Front is amazing. Real sense of speed, very forceful (Y). After that we headed to Oblivion since Air had a queue time of 55 mins. We were pushing the time, we had to meet at 4:00 ready to leave at the entrance and it was 3:30 when we got in the queue. A few of us decided it wasn't worth queuing all that time and not getting to ride it so we went into the single rider queue and got put together on the back row. It was 4:00 exactly when we got on it. We got off at 4:10 and absolutely love legged it to the entrance after texting one of the teachers with a lie about why we'll be late (we said someone mistook my bag for theirs...

). Got to the meeting point and we were one of the first people there. Lucky MF's. Got on the coach and set off at 4:30 to get home just before 7. Overall a really nice day

Could have done some more rides but eh, I got a mother love 3 month summer coming, I got time.
I'll find some pics and post them sometime.