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What 3d Object files are supported in No Limits?

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Posts: 31
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Location: USA
So far, I've only used .3ds and I want to know if there are any other formats that work. I know that .dae doesn't work because of a few failed attempts with Google Sketchup 8 Free edition.

I'm asking because I really prefer Sketchup over any other 3d program, but I don't want to spend over $400 or illegally posses it.

(I would use OC, but this screen is too small and it's very frustrating.)

--And I'm sorry if this is a stupid question. I might have known the answer at some point before I took a long break from No Limits but I have since forgotten a few things.
Peace in, War out.

Post May 21st, 2011, 9:48 am
GavG Premium Member
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It is only .3ds that is supported Tyrone. You will just have to bear with OC or find someway (either asking around or google sketchup converting methods, there may also be threads on here if you do a forum search)of converting sketchup files into .3ds

Post May 21st, 2011, 1:08 pm

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Hey, I can always export Sketchup files to 3Ds for you Tyrone. Just hit me up with a PM when you need it [;)]
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[19:34:27] RideWarriorNation: can you pls change sig
[19:35:22] Jcoasters: ok
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Post May 21st, 2011, 3:47 pm

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.3ds with .jpg, .png, or .tga textures. Not sure if .bmp is supported. Mostly all basic material settings supported, as well as basic spherical environment maps. .png or .tga textures with alpha will be alpha masked or blended (if the A channel is completely invisible or fully visible, it will use masking, otherwise will use blending); use blending only when necessary.

There are ways to convert Sketchup files to .3ds without using the full version and without pirating software. Google it up. If you are a student, you can use 3D Studio Max for free, or you can use the open source modeler Blender which is supposed to be the best freeware for the job.

OC is crap for NL as far as I'm concerned, and Sketchup models tend to have lots of polygon issues; not sure if that's due to the fact that most people who use it for NL are terrible at it or if it's software limitation.

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