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The best first drops on a coaster!

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Post December 8th, 2008, 1:57 pm

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Top 5 best drops on any coasters you've ridden


1. Millennium force- pure speed and pure weightlessness

2. Lochness Monster-(in the back row)- the airtime is great! YOU get whip into the downward curve than just plummet down a strait with your back sucked to the seat. This is the only coaster that i get butterfly sensation down the drop.


This picture will never help you understand you gargantuan this drop is in real life!

3. Appollos chariot- I'm a fan of the older style shape it has. In the back, you just start going along across the little strait part. Suddenly the track seems to just drop out from under you and you just fly down what feels like a never ending drop. Theres not one point after you start to fall where there isn't a perfect floating sensation until you reach the curve sending you across the stream.

4. Raptor- I just simply love the motion. The feeling where you just swing out, and slowly fall back into place as you dive down and catch a bit of float action.

5. Alpengeist- I find it a like other inverts. Just a lovely sensation of flight. How it kinda just flips off to the side and you dive down a nice long turn. Its even better how you just smoothly come right out and pull up to the sky into the immelmen.

Last edited by Canadmos on December 8th, 2008, 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post December 8th, 2008, 2:20 pm
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Post December 8th, 2008, 2:24 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Raging Bull - The straight section in the back seat. The rest of the ride is raped by the trim brake
Apollo's Chariot - Once again the straight section in the back seat, thankfully the rest of the ride is great too!
Millennium Force - Duh
Dragster - Duh
Maverick - Mega duh
Whizzer - Most unsteep and longest drop ever
Boss - It's most what's hidden in the structure after the drop that I like, so I'm not really sure if this counts
American Eagle - in the back on the red side. The train bounces on the Eagle so the drop feels like a triple dip

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Post December 8th, 2008, 2:39 pm

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1. Maverick. I'll even take this one over Millennium Force. I still can't believe just how insane this drop is in the back. It feels like at least -1.3 g's.

2. Millennium Force. Gotta love getting lifted out of your seat while falling 300 feet.

3. Jack Rabbit. Assuming that the "first drop" is the big drop after the lift, this should count. That double-dip into the ravine is just plain awesome in the back.

4. ShieKra. One helluva vertical plunge!

5. Cyclone. This drop is perfection in coaster-making. 60 degrees down gives a nice pull, then a nice whip coming up from the bottom and into that first turn, and all on a coaster that was build over 80 years ago.

Post December 8th, 2008, 3:06 pm

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1- speed, oakwood theme park. veyr very steep and lots of airtime. love it

2- the rest of the coaster is rubbish but pepsi max the big one in the rear seat is incredable. you feel as if your about to be catapulted into the sea and its way past vrtican on the turn.

3- oblivion. its really well designed with the awsome drop into the tunnel and the lots of suspence leading upto the drop. IMO one of the best designed coasters ever as it does exactally what it was intended to do. (drop you down a fecking big hole [:D][lol])

4- megaphobia. the first drop although rough is really really fun diving uner trees and another segment of track befor the pretty painful turn at the bottom but so so so much fun.

5- the grand national. very classic coaster and extramly good and the first drop is a double down that produces lots and lots of airtime and is always very fun on the outside track as the inside is in front of you so you can see the other peeps being thrown up just befor you. LOVE IT
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Post December 8th, 2008, 4:09 pm

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TS- PLEASE! Slow down when you post your topics. The grammatical and spelling errors in your post are painful and astounding.

Post December 8th, 2008, 4:46 pm

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1. Griffon/Sheikra
2. Kingda Ka
3. El Toro
4. Dueling Dragons- Fire (It has this little pump in it that gives airtime and butterflies)
5. Apollo's Chariot

Post December 8th, 2008, 4:48 pm

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1. SheiKra (of course)

2. Hades...great airtime in the back and looking across the parking lot at the turnaround, all the while knowing you've got that rough underground tunnel to experience. But technically the first drop is out of the station, and in the back it's an instant rush of airtime, which is amazing.

3. Renegade...back left, really really extreme and thrilling.

4. Excalibur... Large crest, small-pull up radius = tons of positive forces. It also has quite good floater in the back.

5. Spongebob Squarepants...self explanitory. Not just being a euro-fighter drop, but going up to the ceiling and the way the lift just pushes you down. It's prime as hell.

Post December 8th, 2008, 4:52 pm

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considering i only have been to GAdv...
heres my top 3.

1-el toro

Post December 8th, 2008, 5:14 pm

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1. Katun: The hands down winner! The drop is just amazing! First you make a quick left turn, and than you plunge down the 50m curved drop, which gives soem nice weightlessnes feeling, if I remember correctly!
2. Sequoia Adventure: Does that even count? Well, I love it for one simple reason: the ejector air/hangtime is insane, and combined with being 30m high and upsidedown, you get one hella sensation!
3. The drop of the 3rd lift on Mammut: The evil helix of doom!
4. Magic Mountain: You gain just enough speed through the first turn, to give you really nice airtime in the back seats!
5. Blue Tornado: For some reason, I really like SLC drops, they are really cool! If the trains wouldn't vibrate that much, it would've been even better...

Post December 8th, 2008, 5:31 pm

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1. Millennium Force, eaasily.

2. Maverick. I was trying to yell last time I rode it, but half way through my voice was literally sucked away. It's crazy shee, really.

3. X...Vertical, backwards, front flip, what else do I need to say?

4. Behemoth. I don't know why, but it's just so much more fun than Apollo's Chariot or Nitro. Definitely up there, especially when you leave tons of room in between you and the restraint!

5. Griffon. It's been said lots already, but it truly gives such an awesome feeling of pure floating.

Post December 8th, 2008, 6:05 pm

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1. Legend - very long and steep, great pop of airtime, and strong laterals at the bottom.

2. Apollo's Chariot - Feels a lot longer than it is, really good floater, great setting.

3. Cyclones at SFNE/Coney Island - both have the jerk thing going on which makes for extreme ejector airtime in the back rows. Cyclops and Tornado at Stricker's should be mentioned for the same thing, but those drops come mid course.

4. Superman ROS (SFNE) - The pull over is really sharp so it has some really good ejector, its steep, and the tunnel at the bottom is fun.

5. Loch Ness/Vortex at KI - Really good air in the back car.

Post December 8th, 2008, 6:51 pm

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1. Fahrenheit- Just insane in the back seat...most air I've ever experienced.

2. Griffon- Awesome, awesome floating sensation.

3. Apollo's Chariot- See above.

4. Toro- 'Nuff said

5. Boardwalk Bullet- Nuts in the back seat, followed by two really fast s-curves in the structure

6. Ka- gotta mention the 456 foot plunge...

Post December 9th, 2008, 2:33 am

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1. El Toro in the back row with at least an inch or two of space between you and the restraint. Most insane ejector air I've ever experienced. I actually thought I was going to fly out of the seat.

2. Fahrenheit in the back row. The airtime you get off the lift is just so amazing!

3. Maverick in the front. It's just pure bliss seeing the track fall right out from underneath the train.

Post December 9th, 2008, 2:46 am

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Millennium (9-2 Bayside, that's MY seat!)
Maverick (Either 1-1 Park or 3-2 Park)
Dragster (1-1)

Cedar Point
Beach Band- June-August

Post December 9th, 2008, 4:16 am
A7 User avatar
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1. Maverick
2. Millennium Force
3. Ghost Rider

-- edit --

Forgot, Goliath at SFMM

Post December 9th, 2008, 5:19 am

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1.X-SFMM just Insane was worth the 4 year wait,3 hours outside the gate and 1 hour queue!
2.Jubilee Odyssey-Fantasy Island, the Tallest VekomaSLC in the world i think.. the drop looks medium but when your upthere god does it seem hell-a- lot higher and the speed is mental.
3.Oblivion-I Feel on Oblivion u get the right powerfull g-s that you dont get on Sheikra, i havent been on Griffon yet, But sheikra seemed to drawn out at the bottom,Which in comparision to Oblivion i see no contest.
4.Nemesis-Simply for the fact its only bout 15ft lol and u pick up so much speed from 1 drop.
5.Montu/Kumba-Love them drops to much to leave out.
Joined age 14 still here at 28 =]

Post December 9th, 2008, 6:06 am
gouldy User avatar
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El-Toro FTW. In the back the first drop is just ridiculous! Absolutely loved it!

And the Dive machines.

Post December 9th, 2008, 10:10 pm

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Post December 9th, 2008, 10:39 pm

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1. Millennium Force. For sure.
2. Raging Bull. So fun.
3. Raptor. Setting and excitement.

Post December 20th, 2008, 5:03 pm

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1. Phantom's Revenge - I'm really sensitive to the forces on long, sweeping first drops. Don't ask why, I don't know. All I know is this is one of the few first drops whose forces can make me grunt.
2.(Tie) Maverick/Fahrenheit - Great airtime. Not intense, IMO, but fun.
3. Millennium Force - It's big, floaty, and fast. What more could you want?
4. Raptor - An interesting first drop with some floater.
5. Magnum XL-200 - I ran out of ideas...

Post December 20th, 2008, 5:29 pm
jayman Premium Member
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i've never ridden lochness monster, but i have to agree.. based on my experience with the corkscrew at knott's.. that hill wasnt impressiv in size, but in the back seat it ALWAYS a kick in the stomach! and there's the drop on X..

Post December 20th, 2008, 5:40 pm
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come to think of it, Corkscrew at Alton Towers has... HAD a pretty decent drop (if you sat backseat), it really surprised you every time, like you were moving fairly slowly around the top then all of a sudden it would snap you over the top, a real belly buzz.

Post December 20th, 2008, 6:13 pm

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Yeah, i remeber python at BGA having a good kick also for its small size. I dont even get that sensation on griffon and other rides.

Post December 20th, 2008, 10:16 pm

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My Top 5:

1. Expedition GeForce: Just an insane Drop.
2. Riddler's Revenge: For Some reason I just love it :)
3. Sheikra: Airtime, Speed, Setting... everything is just right.
4. Black Mamba: Outer left seat in the back row. Lats, Airtime, massive acceleration :)
5. Goliath @Walibi Wolrd: Just a great little Intamin drop. Nice airtime.


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