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Poor rating habits on this site latly.

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Post December 4th, 2008, 1:22 pm

Posts: 296
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Location: denhaag, zuid holland, Netherlands
What do i mean?
Alot of people got bad rating habits.
They just random pull numbers and say: OOOOOMMMMMGGGGG that ride was great.
Or: lots of bumps and boring. And give it a average of 4.

Comment By GregPRocker on 12/02/2008
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!!!!!!! Now that's not something you would see every day!
Technical: 9.75 Adrenaline: 8.5 Originality/Acc.: 10 Average: 9.42

Comment By kefie on 12/03/2008
Have to be fair,
The theming is great, but the ride itself is far away from that!

To big. To long and too much bumps.

Better luck next time, but love the theming man!
Technical: 5.75 Adrenaline: 7.75 Originality/Acc.: 9.75 Average: 7.75

omment By GregPRocker on 12/02/2008
Pretty good ride! Not bad. I would've done a little more work on the supports but I can live with it.
Technical: 8.75 Adrenaline: 7.5 Originality/Acc.: 10 Average: 8.75

And some way to critical ratings of some good rides.
Comment By SauronHimself on 12/04/2008
BT: The track was very smooth, and I only noticed one pump leading up to the top hat. Your supports were pretty good, although the larger A-frame supports needed transverse beams. Tunnel test and E-stop passed. The main reason you lost a lot of points here is because there were so many collisions. I know that you were trying to create a savannah environment, but a realistic coaster can't have foliage or anything else protruding into the path. I counted ten collisions of which four were fatal. Another issue was that the track radius was insufficient at two points, and this caused the back of one car to go through the front of another.

A: This was a superbly-paced ride, and it never relented. I loved the mix of ejector air and intense inversions. I think the only thing that would improve this score is making the ride longer, because it was over rather quickly.

O: Your layout contributed greatly to this score, and it was a creative idea. You blended a good medley of different elements and made them work such that the ride had a good flow and a level of unpredictability.
Technical: 6.5 Adrenaline: 8.75 Originality/Acc.: 8.25 Average: 7.83

This is just this week!!!!!
And if you look at most rated tracks latly you see a lot of it.

My advise on this:
before rating look at the:
This link can be found on every uploaded track under the name: Please Read The Rating Guide Before Rating, by Symbiotic.

Maby a Idea for the rating system.
Give: T, A and O seperate textboxes with a min of +- 50 chars

Thanks for your attention.
Greats MoH
Last edited by master of hardcore on December 4th, 2008, 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post December 4th, 2008, 4:38 pm
Oscar User avatar
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I appreciate your concern but there's nothing that will stop them from doing the same to each of them boxes. Plus that requires programming which I frankly wont get into any more debt. I have hit my limit for this site and I will not spend another dime on this website unless it earns it's own upkeep and maintenance.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post December 4th, 2008, 7:02 pm
SauronHimself User avatar
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MoH, you need to do some self-reflection before you judge people on this subject. Your rate of my ride Cocidius not only did not reflect the nature of the ride, but when confronted you purposely lowered the score several times out of spite. However, that issue has been resolved, and we shall hear no more of it. Moving on...

The rating I gave for Hatari actually has a rhyme and reason to it. BT is the most objective part of my ratings because I actually have a rubric for it. Allow me to explain ---->

There were ten collisions: four fatal and six non-fatal, so (4*0.5) + (6*0.125) deducted.
There were spots where the track radii were too tight: .5 deducted
There was a minor pump leading up to the top hat: 1*0.25 deducted.
Larger A-frame supports do not have transverse beams: 0.5 deducted.
Total theoretical deductions: 4.0.
In fact, the BT score should have been 6.0, but that's where my subjectivity came into play, and I bumped it up to a 6.5.

As far as adrenaline goes, I give a minimum of a 5.0 unless the ride is so terrible that it should not have left the designer's hard drive, and even then 5.0 is a very boring and/or bumpy ride.

Concerning originality, I also feel that a minimum of 5.0 should be awarded unless, of course, the ride is terrible beyond belief or if it's stolen. I try to stay away from deducting points with the reasoning, "This has been done before" or, "I've seen this many times" because there are only so many new and unique things you can do. We're working with Newtonian mechanics, and those physics don't allow for a plethora of ideas. I do not deduct points if 3DS are not included; they will only add points.

Post December 5th, 2008, 2:19 pm

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to be honest that kinda thing will always happen, there are some people who don't realise that they could have said so much more and been helpful or have gone over the top. one of the things that still bugs me most is the lack of rating, even without numbers it's still appreciated!
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Post December 6th, 2008, 4:16 pm

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Many thanks to whoever changed Sauron's rate on my coaster into a comment! [^]


Post December 6th, 2008, 4:24 pm

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I think overly critical rates are better than praise rates. I would much rather know whats wrong with my rides than what they liked about them, because you can't really improve based on the latter. So I really don't see a problem with being critical in ratings..

I also think far too many people forget that there is another half of the rating scale. In reality, it seems the '5' (AVERAGE) rides gets 7s and 8s, and the '3' rides get 5s. Not that scores matter, but I think that 99% of people who rate don't use the full scale as they should.

Now I'm not saying that rating was justified in that the rater didn't use the proper environment, but I still don't think critical rates are anything bad.

Post December 29th, 2008, 5:24 pm

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sometimes when aq coaster is around about average 5 seems too low a number,it isn't but a small part of your brain says "well 5 is really a bit harsh, lets say 7" because 7 seems right if is average. I, myself have done this and am going to try to stop.
Cradled by two loving arms that I'd die for,
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Post December 29th, 2008, 6:45 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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The raters circle jerk club where all of the emos inflate the ratings of their own rides is mighty fine.
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Post December 30th, 2008, 6:46 pm

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Post December 30th, 2008, 11:13 pm

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Now, where oh where have I seen this kind of thread before. [dunno]

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