I start in the second train. As soon as it departs the station, my clock starts. Then once it completes the circuit and starts to leave the station again, my clock stops. Then I divide that number into 3600, and multiply by the number of trains and the number of riders per train.
Just finished the trackwork!
And I got a capacity of 1843!
And counting, that I measured the time on a misfortunate circuit, and the train stacked a bit...
Also, Jake, how did you make those colour transitions, they are super smexy!
I did a little bit of calculation on Jakes track to, and I used the dispatch time tingy(how long it takes for the next train to leave afther the one before it left.) It took 1:39 before the second train left afther the first one, and it took 1:46 before the 1the train left afther the 2th left. But to keep it nice I'll use the 1:39.
-60x60=3600 seconds per hour
And that is in the best case, probably its even lower..Sorry jake, you kind of failed on the PPH Still, awsome track!
I use (3600/dispatch time)(32 riders)and I get 1371.
Lets just let CJD run HIS contest.
Hey man, calm down, no need to react like that all of a sudden. Of course we're letting cjd run the contest.
Anyways, your dispatch time might be set on 84 secondes, it doesn't mean the dispatch interval is 84 seconds aswell.