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Fierce (Maurer Spinnuh)

The Hard Hat Area is the place to post construction news about your ride, so this is the place to hype your future upload!

Post January 5th, 2009, 11:55 pm

Posts: 6124
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Location: Minnesota, USA
Well I've got one or two bigger projects going on, but while they take slow slow slow progress, I thought I'd quickly make a fun Spinner in a few weeks or months. I really wanna experiment with this type, I find a lot that the very very clever and exciting spinner layouts with large beginnings and smaller, whippier endings entertain me pretty well so I'ma try to come up with my own fun layout. It's handbuilt for a change, and I plan on including inversions, so back off realism junkies, Lol [lol]


Last edited by GerstlCrazy on January 6th, 2009, 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post January 7th, 2009, 1:03 am

Posts: 325
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You hand build with that many nodes or am I just too dumb to realize that its AHG'd? And inversions sound iffy on a spinner, the forces would send it on a spinning rage and inversions at certain angles might apply too many forces to riders. I like the looks of it so far; its like a mammoth spinner.

Post January 7th, 2009, 1:15 am
Tetsu Premium Member
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I did inversions on a spinner. If you lock the cars before the inversion your ok. Even if you spin a bit, depending on the speed it should be ok.

Post January 7th, 2009, 9:09 am

Posts: 6124
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Location: Minnesota, USA
Originally posted by strata force

You hand build with that many nodes or am I just too dumb to realize that its AHG'd?

The track is handbuilt, handbanked, and AHGed to smooth banking.

And I'll do inversions like corkscrews and barrel rolls with spinning. It doesn't matter.

EDIT: I changed a lot of the second part of the layout.


Btw. I need one or two testers, so PM me if you'd like to help!

Post January 10th, 2009, 5:49 pm

Posts: 1674
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Location: Zelezniki, Slovenia

Why haven't I seen this before? I check the active topics every day...

Anyway, looks like a great spinner, and I love that you're gonna use inversions on it!
You'll have quite a job making the inversions feel right tho...

And handbuilding? Yes! So glad you're doing it again!

Also, I can test if you want me to!

Post January 11th, 2009, 6:14 pm

Posts: 6124
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Location: Minnesota, USA
Ha, next time I catch you on AIM I'll send it over. It does need some editing anyway, so maybe you'll be able to help me.

Just finished the layout and got done proofing the E-Stop shat. All systems go and now all I have to do is 3Ds ( =O ) and supports. I'd still like some extra thoughts on the ride, so if ya wanna see the ride and give me some assistance, please step forth [:)]


So now you see where and how I implemented the inversions. Substantially the ride still has some level of realism, and I'm wishing the lot of you will realize that this ride is just pure fun. I'm sure even the super-duper-realists will enjoy the inversions and see how amazingly they effect the layout [approve]

Post January 11th, 2009, 6:25 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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The super duper realists will just look at it and go.

"What a turd."
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post January 11th, 2009, 6:38 pm

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Location: Columbus, Ohio; United States

That roll would be so pownsome on a spinner. They should unrealisticly make that realistic in the future.

Post January 11th, 2009, 6:40 pm

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Cool dude.

Super duper realists of 10 years ago must really think the designers of today are idiots if we judge by polish's standards.

Post March 15th, 2009, 7:38 pm

Posts: 6124
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Location: Minnesota, USA

It will be released tonight after completing supports (flanges will not be added, they truly screw everything up, so I'll apologize for that), adding a 3D or two, finalizing E-Stop/Tunneltesting, and a couple other touches. Look for it around 8:30 central time. ... ?tid=15141

Enjoy ya asses [:)]

Post March 15th, 2009, 11:37 pm

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