The first icon is the RSS feed for our podcasts. The second icon is for the RSS feed for the forum. All forum entries are posted there. That way you can always see what's going on in the site and never miss a post. Next up we have twitter. Go ahead and follow us on twitter. We'll tweet you of any news, events and other relevant information. Next icon is MySpace, add us, visit us, comment on us, check out our pictures and videos. Last but not least, Facebook. Add us on Facebook and network with us. We look forward to getting your adds and approving them. Let us know if you need any help with any of these websites. Thank you. Many thanks to tetsu for doing the hard work on BlogTalkRadio for us. The live podcast is a hit with over 100 people downloading our podcast and many people calling in to listen, numberous others listing to us live online. Each time you see below the header to call in to CoasterCrazy Radio, call in, we'll love to have you on the air. Also thanks to tetsu for designing our MySpace page. Looking good for super quick work. Thanks!