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Post March 3rd, 2009, 1:42 am
A7 User avatar
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Location: Prescott, Arizona, USA
From the 'Readme' under 'Colorcodes':
Crosstie Color
Red value: It changes the height of the cross support in meters. For example the Red value 12 will change the cross support height for 12 meters.

If I do not mess with color values, on segments with A-Shaped supports that are 'tall' end up with the cross very low towards the ground making it look very bad. If I select custom colors on those sections and raise the red 'Tie' color to something roughly half the height of what ever the track height is (to get the supports to look more realistic) Then the output ASG gives is not even an A-Shaped support, I get a single support.

Am I doing something wrong, miss-understanding the instructions?

Post March 3rd, 2009, 4:05 pm

Posts: 875
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Location: Columbus, Ohio; United States

The flaw in the ASG is that it only works well with low to ground tracks. The higher you get, the more deformed/ugly they'll come out. That's what I've noticed.

Post March 3rd, 2009, 10:28 pm
A7 User avatar
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So what your saying is that it would be in my best interest to only use it for lower to the ground segments, and just custom support the areas that are high above the ground? By high I mean pretty much any track above 65ft (roughly were it starts getting messed up).

Still though, what is this for then??
Crosstie Color
Red value: It changes the height of the cross support in meters. For example the Red value 12 will change the cross support height for 12 meters.
I don't believe that this is a flaw in the program. I think we are just not using it correctly.

Post March 4th, 2009, 12:04 am

Posts: 14
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Location: mechanicsville, maryland, USA
After using the program a few times I too noticed some of the same flaws. The only thing I can think is that what is out there meaning the program is only a beta version and some of these issues will be addresed if and when a final version is available.

Post March 4th, 2009, 8:07 am

Posts: 57
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Location: Frankfurt, Germany
Yes, you are right.

There are some bugs with the color codes. But in the next release there will be an editor where you can customize the "Supports".

80% of the bugs are solved.

I reported exclusive the latest screenshots in some forum.

I will show some screenshots also at Coaster Crazy.

Post March 13th, 2009, 6:27 pm

Posts: 836
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Location: Indianapolis, IN

Thanks, this will most likely turn out great. Just wondering--when you are done with this, will you continue improving it, stop completely, or make a wood version? Wood Magic is ok, but it would be nice to have more customizable wooden supports so less editing is needed to be realistic.

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