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Corrupt a wish

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Post March 21st, 2009, 1:52 am

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Granted!! But the world ended within that month so you are the only one alive!!!

I wish I lived at Cedar point.[:D]

Post March 21st, 2009, 2:02 am

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Granted. But you have no wish to corrupt.

I wish I was on a rollback on Silver bullet.

Post March 21st, 2009, 2:45 am
Oscar User avatar
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Granted./me firewall bans your account
I wish Superman ate kryptonite for breakfast :)
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post March 21st, 2009, 2:46 am

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Granted. But you STILL have no wish to corrupt.

I wish Theme parks were'nt crowded to over 400 people.

Post March 21st, 2009, 3:19 am

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Originally posted by Oscar

Granted./me firewall bans your account
I wish Superman ate kryptonite for breakfast :)

Granted. But they save his life and he is pissed off more than ever and kills you.

I wish I could cut in line for every ride at every park in any seat.[:D][^]

Post March 21st, 2009, 3:32 am
Oscar User avatar
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Granted, but every coaster breaks down the second it rolls out the station and you have to wait a hour till they roll it back into the station and let you out [:D]
I wish for lucky charms... hmmmm food!
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post March 21st, 2009, 5:40 am

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you get your lucky charms but the night after you eat them a leprechaun cuts you open and eat them along with your insides...

I wish my friend didn't move to Spain (ha ha try to corrupt that one)

Post March 21st, 2009, 7:07 am

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Granted but he moves to New Zeeland.

I wish I didn't have to go to work the upcoming week.

Post March 21st, 2009, 11:25 am

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Granted. But then you get no pay

I wish it was an hour later.

Post March 21st, 2009, 11:28 am

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granted in one hour all your family has died...

I wish the week could be the weekend

Post March 21st, 2009, 12:51 pm

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Granted, but all of society quickly adjusts, and now the weekends are when people work and the week is when they rest/play.

I wish all amusement parks in the world were invulnerable to any financial troubles brought on by today's global economy...
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post March 22nd, 2009, 10:02 pm

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Post March 22nd, 2009, 10:55 pm

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Originally posted by rcking04

Granted, but all of society quickly adjusts, and now the weekends are when people work and the week is when they rest/play.

I wish all amusement parks in the world were invulnerable to any financial troubles brought on by today's global economy...

Granted! But the employees are busy protesting the AIG executives and don't show up for their shifts. So, no rides are running!

I wish I could have a floorless coaster in my backyard!!

Post March 22nd, 2009, 11:02 pm

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Granted! You build a sit-down coaster in your backyard, but when you ride it for the first time, the floor falls apart, and you fall through the ride. But, hey, at least your ride is floorless now.

I wish that I had an unlimited supply of cool, fresh, pure Coca-Cola.
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post March 22nd, 2009, 11:16 pm

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Location: Buena Park, california, USA

Granted. But your coca cola is cocane, and you have an overdoes.

I wish AIG went bankrupt RIGHT NOW!!!!!

Post March 23rd, 2009, 11:06 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Granted, but you have to spend 5 minutes with Gangsta Gerstlcrazy in the hard ghetto of the Minnesota suburbs living on the streets first without laughing or you don't get the job.

I wish I could have a pet parrot.

"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post March 23rd, 2009, 12:18 pm

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Granted, but it turns out it's more annoying than you are...
Tough to believe, but that is the case...

I wish iSpeed would be complete, and I could ride it today or tomorrow or sometime in the near future...
And it wouldn't break down or have any technical difficulties!

Post March 23rd, 2009, 12:20 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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granted, iSpeed is finished but it has apple as sponsor so you'd get during the queueline loads of iphone/ipod/icrap commercials and the ride is such a big letdown that you'd hate it...

I wish something...

(be creative foo's!)
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Post March 23rd, 2009, 1:22 pm

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granted, but then it comes alive and eats your dog and then terrorises Limburg and then see's a cookie, he eats it and becomes my friend.

i wish i could play TTFAF on GH3 in Expert 100% wihtout using cheats...
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Post March 23rd, 2009, 1:45 pm

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Granted, but then you get flamed to death for having no life.

I wish that it is possible to wish for more wishes whenever you get the opportunity to wish for something.

Post March 23rd, 2009, 4:28 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Granted, but all of those wishes have to involve sex with a chupacabra.

I wish for world peace :D
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post March 23rd, 2009, 4:38 pm

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Granted, you die.

I wish for billions and billions of lovable, cute kittens to populate the earth!
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post March 23rd, 2009, 4:44 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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granted, now we'll die in their poop

I wish I could work more at my work.
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Post March 23rd, 2009, 4:46 pm

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Granted, but then the place you work at goes out of business.

I wish I was owner of a popular, unlimited-funded, 100% safe, amusement park that had an impressive line-up of rides and coasters suitable for all ages, and land was not an issue!
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post March 23rd, 2009, 4:53 pm
Dirk_Ermen User avatar
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granted, you'd get ownership of such a park when you only have 1 hour left to live.

I wish the same wish as here above but add immortality to the equation. [lol]
Coastercount: 1410 (I've seen the world and it's horrid contraptions... @.@)
- Wood: 142
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