Originally posted by TConwell
Of course .... but what you have left out is that Obama wants to go full press on the Freedom of Choice Act with the 111th Congress; thus legalizing abortion and letting the floodgates flow on testing of infants. (This is why Bush would not sign it, because he understood this would happen.)
You do realize that they would get stem cells for research from the leftover zygotes that weren't used in in vitro fertilization right? They usually take a dozen to 30 eggs from the woman, and around 2/3 of these will end up as successful zygotes. The unused ones are "murdered" and thrown away. Why not do something productive with these? Scientists don't drive over to the abortion clinic to "get a fresh batch of stem cells" every morning to do research ya know.
Blah blah blah I don't have kids.
I'd like to see faith healing centers banned in the United States since people die in them from easily curable diseases. A 7 year old cousin of my father died when my dad was in high school of pneumonia because her parents took her to a faith healing center when she was sick. She didn't have cancer, bizarre complications, birth defects, a history of illnesses, NOTHING and she died from a pneumonia. Do not tell me a hospital could not have done something about that. Her parents thought it was "God's Plan" when she died, which is sick. As far as I'm concerned the girl was murdered in a much worse way that getting stem cells from what would be an incinerated zygote.
I'd love it if a bill came around banning all faith healing institutions in the United States. I'm willing to bet you'd vote in favor of keeping the institutions open. Since you're requesting phone calls, I'd like to hear a phone call from you if a young relative of yours ever dies at the hands of a group of priests so we can have a chat.
Keep telling yourself it's okay for that to happen since it wasn't your denomination specifically.