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The Most Dangerous Man Alive?

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Post March 25th, 2009, 5:45 pm

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Here is a thought I had last night during Obama's sham of a hand-picked, pre-approved question planting, "press conference":

"I am wondering when Obama will actually ACT like a President and not the puppet of Nancy (Pelosi) and her cronies. Thank God Ronald Reagan is NOT alive to see this!!"


When will the love affair with this man end? Where the heck are the news casters who love to crucify this sort of crap he is spewing? Did he ever once answer a question directly? How about the one mentioning him signing or not signing the budget if there are no tax breaks for the middle class? What was his answer? Does anyone know?

Here's a thought: I wonder why do we not see folks like Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter invited to these little meet-and-greets?

Will the course he has set us on end up in terror or something far worse? We elected this man into office. And now, we are getting exactly what we asked for.

Are YOU prepared to accept that? Well ....... are you?

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Post March 25th, 2009, 7:21 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Ann Coulter says things like "Jews need to be perfected", which is insanity. The woman is a complete nutcase and if I was the GOP I would try to distance myself as far as I possibly can from her.

As for Rush, I'm not going to go on a youtube "OMFGZ he said _____" because it'll just be a bunch of crap taken out of context, so I don't have an answer for him because I'm under the impression that he isn't a complete fool and don't really pay attention to him.

The problem with Obama is that he won solely because he was not Bush or anything remotely attached Bush, so now he is going dick up just as much as Bush did (hopefully he won't start another war), but on the opposite political spectrum.
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Post March 25th, 2009, 8:33 pm
Oscar User avatar
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Well, Obama did send 15,000 troops to Afghanistan already so that war might be warming up....
You have got to be kidding me in you are seriously saying they should invite Ann Coulter to these meetings. She's a nut case. She's delusional! To show how delusional she is, TMZ asked her, who has better legs, Tina Turner or her. Her answer, she has better legs. ROFL! Anyway, I think Obama is a mistake that's going to blow up. I know McCain would have been a bigger mistake. The person I would have voted for President is... [:)]
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Paradox wrote:
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Post March 25th, 2009, 8:56 pm

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Originally posted by TConwell

Did he ever once answer a question directly?

Did any president ever answer a question directly?

Post March 25th, 2009, 9:24 pm

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Why would they invite rush limbaugh if he's not press he's just a talk show host.
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Post March 25th, 2009, 10:09 pm

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CK -- admittedly Ann Coulter is a bit of a flake at times ... but at least she is not afraid to call a fork a fork.

Originally posted by cooliocody12

Why would they invite rush limbaugh if he's not press he's just a talk show host.
I am glad you asked that. The answer is simple. Apparently, he is just about the only person willing to take on the "Nation's Elected Emperor" and make it real clear that he is spewing crap. Did you see those dang reporters last night? It's like they are afraid to ask the tough questions!!!

Funnier still, was the look on Rahm Emannuel's face (the very NERVOUS look) when that one reporter did press Obama about stem cell research and practically called it the murdering of innocents. At least, someone was willing to take a stab .... my guess is that reporter is off the guest list for the next one .... which judging by Obama's crappy self-promotion, should be about 27 days from now.
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Post March 25th, 2009, 11:23 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell

CK -- admittedly Ann Coulter is a bit of a flake at times ... but at least she is not afraid to call a fork a fork.

Sorry to be a prick, but in places that are not the Bible Belt saying "Jews need to be perfected" is not "being a flake at times".

Originally posted by Tconwell

Apparently, press Obama about stem cell research and practically called it the murdering of innocents.

They incinerate stem cells daily at the university my sister is getting her doctorate from. Why not study them if they're just going to be tossed anyways? You don't get stem cells from aborted fetuses, you get them in vitro.
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Post March 25th, 2009, 11:33 pm

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

Sorry to be a prick, but in places that are not the Bible Belt saying "Jews need to be perfected" is not "being a flake at times".
This being pointed out from the guy who claimed to be Jesus for the sake of drama??? Pot, meet kettle.

Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

They incinerate stem cells daily at the university my sister is getting her doctorate from. Why not study them if they're just going to be tossed anyways?
You are missing the point, again. The point is to STOP the killing of innocent kids. Look man, have children and then perhaps we can talk on a like-minded level -- and I do NOT mean age or education wise. At this point, you are merely spouting off crap with no practical life application behind it. It's a life, and the moment you hold your first child in your arms I want you to call me and tell me that it would be no problem to end its life and "toss it away". Then perhaps, you might have an inkling of understanding behind your comments.
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Post March 25th, 2009, 11:47 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell
This being pointed out from the guy who claimed to be Jesus for the sake of drama??? Pot, meet kettle.

I am not a internationally recognized person like Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter is an internationally recognized for her "flakey" comments that interpreted as insane and racist by the rest of the world. She is so far off of her rocker that some clueless people think her books are satire. Do you think all of Europe doesn't know about her and her retarded antics? People like her make the country look bad.

Originally posted by TConwell
The point is to STOP the killing of innocent kids. Look man, have children and then perhaps we can talk on a like-minded level -- and I do NOT mean age or education wise.

They're adult stem cells. There is an agenda that repeatedly lies to people and convinces them the only stem cells are from infants. This causes a big ruckus and now the university has problems doing LEGAL adult stem cell research.
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Post March 26th, 2009, 12:44 am

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Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

They're adult stem cells. There is an agenda that repeatedly lies to people and convinces them the only stem cells are from infants. This causes a big ruckus and now the university has problems doing LEGAL adult stem cell research.
Of course .... but what you have left out is that Obama wants to go full press on the Freedom of Choice Act with the 111th Congress; thus legalizing abortion and letting the floodgates flow on testing of infants. (This is why Bush would not sign it, because he understood this would happen.)

It is all tied together man! Don't be conned by walking around like a puppet in love with Obama ... there are enough of them already.
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Post March 26th, 2009, 12:55 am
Oscar User avatar
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The Most Dangerous Man Alive Is.....

Chuck Norris!!!!!!
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post March 26th, 2009, 1:14 am
jayman Premium Member
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if might point out one thing .. calling him "the most dangerous man alive" is akin to ann coulter having to emphasize his middle's very much like "4 legs good 2 legs bad". just a way to get "unintelligent" people to follow a lead out of fear,loyalty and repetition rather than true conviction.
the rhetoric against abortion,which is the very root of the conservative opposition to stem cell research, is generally based on nothing less than true compassion. while that is admirable it is politically ambiguous. especially now.
what we should be focusing on is how obvious it is that our new president is someone who has an agenda that is incredibly un American, and possibly anti my opinion christian conservatives need to put their religious agenda aside and focus on protecting the constitution that protects their right to have one.

Post March 26th, 2009, 1:49 am

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The liberal in me danced and cheered when I helped elect a candidate who talked about ending corporate greed and the lobbyist control over Washington, investing in education and health, and ending the war. But then the Christian in me cringed when he wouldn't support a ban on partial-birth abortion, and when I found out that he had basically mocked the Sermon on the Mount during one of his speeches. I hope it goes no farther, and he follows through with the promises which made me vote for him.

Post March 26th, 2009, 2:40 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell
Of course .... but what you have left out is that Obama wants to go full press on the Freedom of Choice Act with the 111th Congress; thus legalizing abortion and letting the floodgates flow on testing of infants. (This is why Bush would not sign it, because he understood this would happen.)

You do realize that they would get stem cells for research from the leftover zygotes that weren't used in in vitro fertilization right? They usually take a dozen to 30 eggs from the woman, and around 2/3 of these will end up as successful zygotes. The unused ones are "murdered" and thrown away. Why not do something productive with these? Scientists don't drive over to the abortion clinic to "get a fresh batch of stem cells" every morning to do research ya know.

Blah blah blah I don't have kids.

I'd like to see faith healing centers banned in the United States since people die in them from easily curable diseases. A 7 year old cousin of my father died when my dad was in high school of pneumonia because her parents took her to a faith healing center when she was sick. She didn't have cancer, bizarre complications, birth defects, a history of illnesses, NOTHING and she died from a pneumonia. Do not tell me a hospital could not have done something about that. Her parents thought it was "God's Plan" when she died, which is sick. As far as I'm concerned the girl was murdered in a much worse way that getting stem cells from what would be an incinerated zygote.

I'd love it if a bill came around banning all faith healing institutions in the United States. I'm willing to bet you'd vote in favor of keeping the institutions open. Since you're requesting phone calls, I'd like to hear a phone call from you if a young relative of yours ever dies at the hands of a group of priests so we can have a chat.

Keep telling yourself it's okay for that to happen since it wasn't your denomination specifically.
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Post March 26th, 2009, 3:26 am
hyyyper User avatar
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Are you suggesting McCain-Palin would run a better show?


Post March 26th, 2009, 8:30 am
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Probably run a better show than the last guy did.

And PS - The faith healing center she was sent to was strictly christian. No laying healing stones or any of that crap on people. It was strictly 100% Christian and run by priests.
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Post March 26th, 2009, 9:36 am

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Utilizing this quote plus your previous ...

Originally posted by Coasterkidmwm

The faith healing center she was sent to was strictly christian. No laying healing stones or any of that crap on people. It was strictly 100% Christian and run by priests.

Ah yes, again with the attack on the Christian faith by Matt "I know everything because I can Google" ... come on man, you got anything else to offer?

And PS: When you said "Blah blah blah I don't have kids." ... you could have just stopped at the "blah blah blah" part ....
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Post March 26th, 2009, 3:36 pm
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Surely whoever is the American president will be the most dangerous man on the planet... mainly because they are just that... American. We're in this unfortunate situation where the most powerful person in the world is always going to be an American, so we are all eternally doomed.

Post March 26th, 2009, 4:03 pm

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Post March 26th, 2009, 4:42 pm

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[lol] I love watching people like you guys expecting a president to be good.

Move to a new country, it will never ever happen.

Post March 26th, 2009, 5:21 pm

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Originally posted by GerstlCrazy

[lol] I love watching people like you guys expecting a president to be good.

Move to a new country, it will never ever happen.

Uhhhhhhhhhh ... Aren't you an American, Gerst?

Obviously no one has ever taught you that you should expect more from your elected officials ... and that it is not OK to walk around with your head up your crack thinking everything is honky-dory because you heard it on TV.
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Post March 26th, 2009, 5:58 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Originally posted by TConwell
Ah yes, again with the attack on the Christian faith by Matt "I know everything because I can Google" ... come on man, you got anything else to offer?

I didn't Google my dad crying while he told me a story a few years ago.
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Post March 26th, 2009, 9:27 pm

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^^Tell me when a president impresses you as well as everyone else in the country TCon [;)] Fact states that will never happen considering the 2 completely different sides of the political spectrum. No president can satisfy the thousands of thousands of opinions in our country. As far as I'm concerned (have been hearing on TV, from parents and many adults, and all over this website ESPECIALLY) it isn't getting better either.

I've been taught about presidents many times. I do expect more from my elected officials, don't you? Have those expectations every fully fallen through?

I don't like getting into political threads so that's all I will say [;)]

Post March 26th, 2009, 9:41 pm
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My expectations of political figures is to rip off the country. Enrich themselves. It is not my expectation for them to make it better, I mean, is that what they think they were elected for?[lol] USA is slowly turning into Mexico and oddly enough, Mexico is turning into the USA, polical wise.
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post March 26th, 2009, 9:54 pm

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I don't understand why you people expect so much to have happened so fast.

It's been a little over 2 months since he's had the power to do something. What do you want? A miracle?

Do you understand how long and tedious our problems are to fix? Do you know how hard it is to come up with a "good" plan? Do you know how hard it is to please two feuding political parties? Do you know how hard it is to run a country? Obviously not.

Instant gratification is not the way the world works.

P.S. Patience is a virtue.


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