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Coastersims is gone!

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Post April 11th, 2009, 2:29 pm

Posts: 45
Points on hand: 1,597.00 Points
Location: Cleveland, OH, USA

Originally posted by Oscar

CP Maverick, the same point can be argued on those who wont share anything without getting something back. It's the same either way, it's just on which end of the rope you stand on.

I've heard it all before:
"I wont post here because I don't get ratings..."
"I don't want to be forced to rate, that is why I left so and so website..."

It's the same thing from both sides. You can argue either side, neither of which is wrong or right. It's whatever is beneficial to you. I'm in the middle listening to both sides and there is no solution to satisfy all. However, I prefer to satisfy the majority, and that is to not force people to rate. To satisfy the majority is the wise thing to do.

DCS221, I agree with your comment and members here have seen that such complainers have been put on the spot by me posting their ratios. Most who complain openly of not getting enough ratings suffer from them not rating others and well.

I definitely agree, which is why any tracks/parks/etc that I release are available as many places as possible, whether it's here, CS, TN, or even just on my own upload pages. While I would like more comments and opinions (aka ratings), I'm definitely not the best at giving constructive ratings, so I can't ask for much more than I'm giving. It would be nice if more people would constructively share their opinions, but I agree with your position on not forcing them too...

Post April 11th, 2009, 5:53 pm

Posts: 1
Points on hand: 1,299.00 Points
its very annoying for me, i posted tons of quality tracks on coaster sims, now i have to repost all of them on this site.

Post April 11th, 2009, 9:57 pm

Posts: 1149
Points on hand: 1,004.00 Points
Location: Virginia, USA

Post April 12th, 2009, 3:14 am

Posts: 7
Points on hand: 1,771.00 Points
Location: tweed, nsw, Australia
I'm so confused right now. Is Coaster Sims gone or is it just down?

Post April 12th, 2009, 4:51 pm

Posts: 1149
Points on hand: 1,004.00 Points
Location: Virginia, USA
We don't really know. It may or may not be revived.
Just keep scrolling...

Post April 12th, 2009, 5:32 pm

Posts: 2317
Points on hand: 4,662.00 Points
Bank: 6,667.00 Points
Location: pennsylvania, USA
I hope it does, I need to get one my rides back plus I wanted to redownload some of the one I downloaded before
What are these for?


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