I've been working on a new Arrow Multi-Loop. It's really aggressive and strong, but it is very realistic. I'm finished with the layout. Just need to work out some of the kinks in the track before I begin making scenery. I've started on the supports for the lift and the brake segments. I'm still trying to work out a theme and a name for it. The colors aren't final and can change at any time. If there are any suggestions then please feel free to comment.
screen-shot time.
Some new pics. It's been a slow week because French Club is going under severe reconstruction of it's constitution and rules, and I'm in charge in drafting a new contract that basically will decided the fate of the club.

I work on the turn to Arrow-it up a little bit and I'm not changing it after this, only the banking to make it more force-full. Sorry about the bad camera angle it's a lot more different than it looks.

Looping supports are have started and almost done. Thickness of the supports are a issue. Any suggestions??

First drop and lift apex are now supported.

Supports to the Batwing have begun and are almost finished. Brake run catwalks almost complete. E-Exit finished.
Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a little bit of yourself to get the job done.