I'm following the terraforming article to raise the entire area however each time i rasie the land 2 huge squares around the base of the lift hill and by one of the turns does not move up and stays there. I think it does this because i once had a hill in both those places and then i leveled them. I have a river that stays in place too but i want that. If theres no solution you guys can get, i figure I'll just have to throw out the terra data and start over.
It's as simple as clicking on the menu "Tools" and then "Adjust Height..."
I guess whomever wrote this "Raise the Entire Area" article, didn't have the latest version of the Terraformer and ended up going about it in a weird complex way. It's not complex at all.
I downloaded the upgrade and I dont know how to use it. Is it called terraformer exe.? How do I get to it. Because if the one Im using right now is the upgrade then I dont see the difference.
If you can't figure out how to install the upgrade, then I recommend downloading the full thing because it comes with an installer to do all the work for you.
is Tia here gonna upload tracks or is she here to help out people who can't use her software very well and/or people who get mad because some of the programs are really buggy (ex. Terraformer)
but her terrorformer is really buggy, I can name some of the major problems, the smaller ones I can't remember off the top of my head, and she needs to fix and enable some things.