Considering you guys should know I think things out pretty logically and I would hope after some of you knowing me for years that Im aware of the reality of stereotypes. Maybe? lol
I would actually hope I would have gotten a "Are you being serious?" Comment before anyone assumed I was, ya know?
If someone said that IRL Im pretty certain your first reaction would be "Wait, are you serious?" before you go into why. durrr.
mexicans whistle, when they want something they whistle, e ..and its not like that cheery seven dwarves whistle, it seems like they've decided that the more annoying the whistle the more it makes them feel macho. and if you can get them to stop whistling they TAP, HISS OR simply CLICK(accompanied by an undecipherable hand gesture ). they are an endless source of annoying sound affects .. one of the reasons i have tried so hard to learn spanish is so that they will use their mouths for speaking ..YO ESTOY NO PERRO. USADo SU BOCA PARA HABLAMOS ME POR FAVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm, a stereotype is surely an opinion built on the observations of a minority and applying those observations to a majority. So to say all Irishmen drink Guinness for example, after observing a single pubs worth of Irish people, simply shows your sample is not broad enough. It may be a true statement for the people in that one pub, but not for all Irish people.
ok THESE are stereotpes..
germans are obsessive compulsive engineers who spend way too much time on redundancy..
the dutch are clean freaks and love jokes, usually dumb ones
Americans are xenophobic, armed and jingoistic
Scots have dirty socks
black people can dance better than anyone else
asian people cant drive very well, but they are good at math ..
gay people lisp and walk funny
french people are art snobs and smoke too much
spainish people dress well , even to take out the trash
irish people drink and eat potatoes and they all have red hair
the swedes and the danish are sexually promiscuous
christians are thick headed and narrow minded
catholic people have too many kids
and old people smell like baloney ...
that wasnt too hard ..