I recently wanted to try to use tools for No Limits, so I started to use Newton. It's great, but I keep on reading everywhere how FVDs are better than Newton. I decided to give FVDs a try, and the basics(like turns, helix, straight track, slopes, etc.) were easy. However, I still need help! I am not sure about the advanced stuff, like:
1. How do you attach multiple formulas together to make a track?
2. Is there any way to calculate G's like in Newton?
3. What does T stand for? I know it means time but I don't really get what it does.
4. What do things like sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan even mean? I am only in high school geometry so the only time I ever used sin, cos, and tan were for triangles, and I don't even know what asin, acos, and atan stand for.
5. And lastly, how are FVDs better than Newton?