Keeping with the site expanding into other venues for free promotions, I have gone ahead and started a DeviantArt page for the site.
If you would like, I can post any amusement/theme park related photo there. I only ask a few things before they are posted.
1. Watermark you first name, screen name, and the first letter of your last name on the picture.
2. Write a short document stating that you give me the right to post the picture(s) and sell them.
3. Tell me where (park) the picture was taken at.
I will post the pictures as often as I can. Any money made from sales goes to the site but YOU WILL BE CREDITED with the "donation". Pictures, depend on size, will be made into mouse pads, magnets, coasters, and obviously wall mounted pictures among other things.
PS: If you are a member of DeviantArt, send your DA screen name along with the photo. I will like to your account with the uploaded picture.
EDIT: PM me this information and a link to the photo.