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True simulator in my dream

Discuss anything involving No Limits Coaster Simulation.

Post May 9th, 2009, 7:39 am

Posts: 10
Points on hand: 1,154.00 Points
Hi, last night, i have a dream about nolimits coaster, i was playing on my computer with a chair simulator, while the descent, the fans turning on in my face, and my chair moves.

It was marvelous, i think a day, it will possible, it will be fantastic for the best simulation and the sensations will be very hard for our big pleasure. Look at that, have you tried it with nolimits coaster ?

Post May 9th, 2009, 7:47 am

Posts: 6183
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Post May 9th, 2009, 10:46 am

Posts: 497
Points on hand: 59.00 Points
Location: New York, USA
A chair simulator is like a motion simulator for one person, which can interact with a game and such.

Heres one for a flight simulator:

Image Insert:
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^the message is up there^

Post May 9th, 2009, 11:09 am

Posts: 6183
Points on hand: 483.00 Points
Bank: 19,590.00 Points
"the sensations will be very hard for our big pleasure" What does that mean? Sounds like a bad Japanese to English translation.

Post July 24th, 2009, 11:24 pm

Posts: 510
Points on hand: 1,385.00 Points
"It was marvelous, i think a day, it will possible, it will be fantastic for the best simulation and the sensations will be very hard for our big pleasure. Look at that, have you tried it with nolimits coaster ?"

Honestly, if one of those was made to work with No Limits I wouldn't buy it. The thing is, no chair simulator can replicate the G-forces of a real coaster, and I think that's such a big part of the ride experience that a chair isn't worth it.

Post July 25th, 2009, 3:11 pm

Posts: 2052
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Location: USA

Post July 25th, 2009, 4:06 pm

Posts: 323
Points on hand: 1,492.00 Points
Location: Culver City, CA, USA
I think it would be more better if the chair was set on fire.

As Omnigeek6 said, "no chair simulator can replicate the G-forces of a real coaster...". And that's the truth. Besides, you know how silly you would look with a lot that stuff in your house. All I can say is you better hide it or you can say good-bye to whatever life you want to have.

@Omnigeek6 This is the only post I have seen you post, so I don't know if any of your posts are retarded, but that was the most NORMAL, post I've seen from a new person. I can say welcome to CC and congrats on your 10 post limit reaching (not that it's something to be proud of)...Just don't screw up or piss me off, with all the other little f**kers that like to quickly post 10 posts and then just disappear...or I'll hunt you down.[devilish]
Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a little bit of yourself to get the job done.

Post July 26th, 2009, 4:06 pm

Posts: 1830
Points on hand: 3,960.00 Points
Location: London, United Kingdom

I came across a D-Box today at Harrods, its used to watch movies, it looks like a race car chair, similar to the pic above...

If people dont feel silly watching a film in a bigass racecar chair plonked in the middle of their living room that hardly vibrates..

im sure that one above would be totaly cooler (Y)


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