^^Yeah, I have a feeling you're lying about that. If your "machine" truly is sending several messages, then all those posts should be displaying the same posted time or at least a few of a hundredth seconds apart.
It kinda looks like there was at least a minute between each post. You should probably apologize and hope the staff doesn't punish you too severely...
I have that same problem! I can't DL env.'s! Custom env.'s come up weird, like the track and supports and everything other than the env. itself are a shade of the env. Do you get what i'm saying? It's really weird, and I tried to re-install it, only the sunny day, canyonrunner, and a couple of custom of env.'s that are FILES of the sunny day env. just edited to look different.
PHEW, can you help?
"Don't be a disability"... yep, still keeping that.