We just had an earthquake! Lasted about 10 to 15 seconds! My fish tank lost some water from the shaking! My Oscar fish got really scared Anyway, it was fun while it lasted!
I experienced a 6.0 when I lived on an island in Honduras. It was really cool, and we were in a cabana on 12 foot wooden stilts so we got quite a bit of rocking back and forth. Scared the living crap out of me at the time, though.
yeah, the worst, and only earthquake i felt was last year, the epicenter was in the New Madrid Seismic zone in Illinois. It was only a 5.2, but it was felt as far as 450 miles away because of the old, rigid bedrock beneath much of the midwest allowed the tremor to propagate further. I woke up with my whole room shaking at 3 a.m., and I heard some sort of loud BOOM! too.
For those that live in California, remember the earthquake last summer? It wasn't as big as the one yesterday, but I was at the orthodontist, and it shook the building for a while. I think that the earthquakes are becoming more and more frequent and stronger now in California.
We had another one today around 3:50-ish in the morning, but was really small and I'm sure it wasn't a truck because the whole building and mirrors were moving for like 10seconds. I'm really getting freaked out now. this is the 4th one in a row since the one about 2 weeks ago.
Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a little bit of yourself to get the job done.