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Post May 17th, 2009, 11:47 pm
Oscar User avatar
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We just had an earthquake! Lasted about 10 to 15 seconds! My fish tank lost some water from the shaking! My Oscar fish got really scared [lol] Anyway, it was fun while it lasted!
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post May 17th, 2009, 11:54 pm
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Post May 18th, 2009, 12:34 am

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You live in California too? I felt it, and my pool looked cool, the water was splashing a lot.

Post May 18th, 2009, 9:53 am

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Does everything just shake for like a few seconds n then go away?
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Post May 18th, 2009, 11:18 am
Oscar User avatar
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It feels like when you are totally smashed and you trip [lol]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post May 18th, 2009, 11:52 am

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Largest actual Tremor I've ever felt measured a massive 0.8 on Richter. And i assure you that wasn't just a truck driving by. [lol]

Kidding, We actually did have a biggish fault shift with the epicenter nearest to Stilfontein, registered 5.3

Post May 18th, 2009, 12:02 pm
Oscar User avatar
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I was about 5 miles from the epicenter so I got the bets of it [:D]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post May 18th, 2009, 3:58 pm

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Me being way down here in El Cajon I felt hardly anything. Maybee it has something to do with being in the hills..

Post May 18th, 2009, 6:36 pm

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Dude ... see if you can arrange for one while I am out there, ok? Thanks.

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Post May 18th, 2009, 6:42 pm

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I experienced a 6.0 when I lived on an island in Honduras. It was really cool, and we were in a cabana on 12 foot wooden stilts so we got quite a bit of rocking back and forth. Scared the living crap out of me at the time, though.

Post May 18th, 2009, 6:56 pm

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yeah, the worst, and only earthquake i felt was last year, the epicenter was in the New Madrid Seismic zone in Illinois. It was only a 5.2, but it was felt as far as 450 miles away because of the old, rigid bedrock beneath much of the midwest allowed the tremor to propagate further. I woke up with my whole room shaking at 3 a.m., and I heard some sort of loud BOOM! too.

Post May 18th, 2009, 7:55 pm

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For those that live in California, remember the earthquake last summer? It wasn't as big as the one yesterday, but I was at the orthodontist, and it shook the building for a while. I think that the earthquakes are becoming more and more frequent and stronger now in California.

Post May 19th, 2009, 7:14 pm
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Yay to the aftershock about 20 minutes ago! Measured about 4.1. This one was fun as it was up and down earthqualike unlike yesterday's. [:)]
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post May 19th, 2009, 7:18 pm

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We had another one today around 3:50-ish in the morning, but was really small and I'm sure it wasn't a truck because the whole building and mirrors were moving for like 10seconds. I'm really getting freaked out now. this is the 4th one in a row since the one about 2 weeks ago.
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Post May 19th, 2009, 7:35 pm
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Where you from?
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Paradox wrote:
No need to tell Oscar about the problems. He is magic.

Post May 19th, 2009, 8:04 pm

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Post May 20th, 2009, 4:32 pm

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no interesting earthquakes for us [flush]
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Post May 20th, 2009, 4:52 pm

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How 'bout this rain in Florida? It's been raining for days now nonstop! I haven't seen the sun since like Sunday!
Oh, were you expecting something here?

Post May 20th, 2009, 5:08 pm

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No earthquakes in Ohio. Dragster might fall over... :P

Post May 20th, 2009, 5:34 pm

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^That would be awesome. Then they could replace it with a real ride! [:D]

Post May 21st, 2009, 9:03 pm

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Post May 21st, 2009, 9:20 pm
jayman Premium Member
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Originally posted by bobbyjo

Me being way down here in El Cajon I felt hardly anything. Maybee it has something to do with being in the hills..
my god.. el cajon ...which hills?.. fletcher or singing? in any case this is actually a nicer description than i would give .. [lol]

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