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Too much money in sport?

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Post June 12th, 2009, 5:10 am
gouldy User avatar
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Is there any sports fans, fans of any sports at all, that believe there is too much money in sports? For example, sports personalities being paid too much, while the prices of tickets and hotdogs for us goes up and up?

The first example I put forward is that of the very current Cristiano Ronaldo saga here in English football: ... 094720.stm

Transfer fee: ?????????80,000,000 ($131,800,000)
Initial Weekly pay: ?????????170,000 ($280,000)
Rising to: ?????????556,000 ($916,000) a WEEK!

Also, during the winter transfer window, this was a big story: ... llion/4111
$400,000,000... for ONE player. This deal fell through as the player did not want to go to Manchester City, but obviously the record for the highest transfer fee would have been completey obliterated.

Is it a similar story with American sports? Just simply unbelievable amounts of money being thrown around, players earning in a week what you earn in a lifetime? The question basically is in the title, do you think there is too much money in modern day sport?

For me, I have to say yes, when it costs me ?????????2.50 just for a pie when I go to the game, or ?????????30 just for a ticket to one game and the only reason for these high prices is to pay for the ridiculously high wages of the players.

The other argument of course is that money is all relative, in football (soccer) for example, if you own a player like Cristiano Ronaldo, many hundreds of thousands of people will buy club replica shirts with his name on at ?????????40 a time. TV companies will pay much more money for larger contracts to broadcast their games worldwide etc etc... Basically, the players earns the club ?????????300,000,000 over a period of 5 years and so he IS worth the ?????????80,000,000 price tag and ?????????556,000 a week wage bill.

But for me, all I want to do is go and see the sport I love, being played by people who love playing it and for it not to cost me the earth to do so!

Any thoughts?

Post June 12th, 2009, 7:01 am

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I think they are all paid way too much, yes, but I could care less about it. Same deal with actors who star in studio films.

I don't watch nor know much of anything about other sports, but I know players' salaries in the NHL aren't going to drop anytime soon. The NHLPA makes sure they get as much money as possible.

Post June 12th, 2009, 7:54 am
gouldy User avatar
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Althought I watch quite q lot of Ice Hockey, I'm not all that familiar with the back room stuff that goes on around it over there, so, are you saying that the situation is the same with NHL players? I always think it's amusing how none of them seem to be able to afford a razor [lol]

Post June 12th, 2009, 8:23 am

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Sometimes its nice to see that having all the money in the world doesn't buy games though (Yankees). They are the highest paid team in the MLB and they have some of the worst pitching in baseball this year.

I do think that most of them make too much money, but there are a few who are there for the game and not the money. They are a minority unfortunately.

Post June 12th, 2009, 9:48 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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Well I know if someone insulted my mother and I was being paid a million dollars a year to throw a ball through a hoop I wouldn't make like the Detroit Pistons and attack fans.

Goes to show you how truly stupid athletes are.
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post June 12th, 2009, 3:23 pm

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^LOL Exactly.

Did you ever see what Michael Schumacher was getting paid by Ferarri? It was obscene.

Gouldy, its just as bad over here man. Remember when Beckham was moved to MLS? Hes getting paid 50Mil a year over 5 years. Thats ridiculous.

Post June 12th, 2009, 4:35 pm

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This is the exact reason why I never go to any 'major' league games. To go to a Toronto Maple Leaf game, it will cost well over $120 for a ticket (if I can even find one), $15 for a poopty beer and $8 for a hot dog.

I'm going to a MLS game tomorrow (Toronto FC vs New York Red Bulls) and because it is $70 for seats high up in the stands I'm forced to do all my drinking pre-game, before I even get to the place.

The only cheap major sport in this city to go see is a Blue Jays game. You can get tickets for $30, but only because no one really cares about them and the stadium is so huge. But in the end, it stills costs at least $60 if you go there and have a few drinks and something to eat.

I'm a lot happier going to the Beer store, spending $35 on a 24 case of beer and getting smashed watching the game at home with some friends.

And although I love watching hockey and a few other sports, I try to invest as little money into them as possible. I own absolutely zero sports related clothing.

Post June 12th, 2009, 5:03 pm

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I love going the games, but it's so damn expensive, I hate the $5 Cokes, and the $8 hot dogs, good thing I don't buy much when I go, because I'm there to watch a game, not enter in a buy as much stuff and blow your money contest.

Post June 12th, 2009, 5:22 pm

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Post June 12th, 2009, 7:08 pm

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