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The End of the Big Bad Wolf

Theme Park Construction And News Forum

Post June 2nd, 2009, 5:27 pm

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As your village guru of Busch Gardens Europe, it saddens me to bring this news here, but it is semi-confirmed that this will be the last season for the Big Bad Wolf.

As much as this is depressing to almost every enthusiast, and I know I will be shot down with this news, it is inevitable. It has been semi-confirmed by park employees, and fits the current situation of the ride.

You all will ask why, and here it is:

1. The ride is old. It is an Arrow ride. This is already asking for trouble. To add to this, it was the first successful suspended coaster. This already gives it more trouble. The Suspended coaster design is not perfected, and thus it has costly and difficult maintenance. This is thought to be a key reason in the decision.

2. It is smack in the way of a major expansion. The best place for a major expansion in the park is in the location of the former Drachen Fire. As we all know, this was a terrible location. Removing the BBW creates a great opportunity to create a pathway to the new country and thus a whole new section of the park.

3. It has terrible capacity. The ride requires many checks to be dispatched and is only 2 seats wide. This leads to an always 15/20 minute wait for the ride.

4. It takes up a huge load of space for what it delivers. Its plot is very large and could easily fit much more in the space it occupies were it removed.

These factors together have reasoned to be the cause for removal.

We can only hope BGE will reconsider its options, and if not, hope that they create a marvelous replacement for this majestic, nostalgic, and famous roller coaster.


Post June 11th, 2009, 12:53 am

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Post June 11th, 2009, 1:07 am

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2 seats wide means its horrible capacity? Hmm...Im not sure how that works, a lot of 2 wide trains have awesome capacity. Millennium Force, Maverick, Dragster (when not breaking down), Magnum!, Voyage...

Post June 11th, 2009, 1:21 am

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I pretty much grew up on this coaster (it was my 2nd or 3rd coaster ever) so I would hate to see it go. At least my last ride was after park closing in the back seat (with all lights off, ert owns).

Post June 11th, 2009, 2:09 am
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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They could easily plop in a new Vekoma suspended coaster! ... &Itemid=11

See all better.

I'm so evil.
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Post June 11th, 2009, 2:17 am

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aw, thats a heart breaker... Had such a great first drop.
So, my friend came up to me the other day and asked if I wanted a frozen banana, and I said no, but I want a normal banana later, so... yea.

- RIP Mitch Hedberg

Post June 11th, 2009, 4:22 am

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What are you talking about? The first drop is like 20 ft., 30 ft. tops...I sure hope you mean the 80 ft. drop halfway through the ride.

Post June 11th, 2009, 11:30 am

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Man... that is really sad. Arrow built three amazing and innovative coasters at BGW, and now two of them are going to be dead. Big Bad Wolf was one of my three favorite Arrow coasters, and I'll be extremely sad to see such an iconic coaster gone.

Post June 11th, 2009, 6:25 pm

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I rode it this season and WOW was it rough! But still im sad to see it going. But maybe they will finally get an intamin there!

Post June 11th, 2009, 6:32 pm
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No. They don't have a flying coaster yet or anything like a floorless.
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Post June 11th, 2009, 6:34 pm

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Post June 11th, 2009, 6:54 pm

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Post June 11th, 2009, 6:55 pm
Coasterkidmwm User avatar
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I meant a real floorless, like a loopydoo one.
"Careful man, there's a beverage here!"

Post June 11th, 2009, 7:29 pm

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*tear* this is one of my first coasters ever. It hurt alot, but im still kinda sad to see it go.

Post June 11th, 2009, 7:49 pm

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Post June 11th, 2009, 7:54 pm

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i sad it was me and my sisters first coaster and now it has to go that park really likes to get rid of stuff ><

Post June 11th, 2009, 8:13 pm

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It was a pretty sick ride when I rode it in April 08, I remember liking it way, way, WAY better than Loch Ness. Too bad it's gotta go.

Post June 11th, 2009, 9:00 pm

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Post June 11th, 2009, 9:23 pm

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Post June 11th, 2009, 10:03 pm

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Lochness isn't going anywhere soon.
Just keep scrolling...

Post June 11th, 2009, 10:21 pm

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Originally posted by Real

2 seats wide means its horrible capacity? Hmm...Im not sure how that works, a lot of 2 wide trains have awesome capacity. Millennium Force, Maverick, Dragster (when not breaking down), Magnum!, Voyage...

I never said the terrible capacity was a result of only being 2 seats wide, I merely meant that it contributes.

Post June 11th, 2009, 10:46 pm

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Originally posted by Hepta

I never said the terrible capacity was a result of only being 2 seats wide, I merely meant that it contributes.

I would argue that the reverse is actually true. Attendants can check 2 x 2 wide rows faster than a single 4-wide row, since one operator can just walk down each side of the train.

Post June 12th, 2009, 2:11 am

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^^That was another angle I forgot - but at the time went through my head. I dont think it does a thing to capacity to have a 2 wide train. Youre just thinking that since many parks are going with B&M's and the BG parks in general.

If this becomes official before years end and not speculation still, I need to know! I might be willing to make an emergency trip over there somehow.

Post June 13th, 2009, 10:50 am
stevecoaster User avatar
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Not a surprise. Sad to see this legendary coaster go, but I am sure that the park has gone through total hell to keep that ride open. Coaster lovers have been lucky that it has been open for so long. Anyone remember The Bat at Kings Island? that was open for only like a year or two. All the reasons for removal seem very legitimate.
Well I am hoping for BGE to finally build an incredible GCI woodie. They have too many steel coasters!!
Vasco XTR

Post June 13th, 2009, 1:07 pm

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The Bat at KI was the first of the concept and failed mostly becuase they had no clue what they were doing when designing and building it...The Bat when first built had no banking to the track, which cuased major problems as the trains would travel to there swinging limit. It was not fun!

I too am planning a trip over there for the end of this year just in case!


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