I have a big problem with my NoLimits (1.72 Retail)
I have created a wall with a space texture in Sketchup Pro 8 and exported it in 3ds.
On the object are 1 textures, who have 256x256 pixel.
I dont grouped the texture or surfaces in Sketchup.
After export, i copy my object.3ds file into the objects folder in NoLimits folder.
Than, i started the NL-Editor and pasted my object and saved it.
So, i started the simulator and the simulator showed such this result.
(Look in my Pictures)
One Side shows this texture with stars, other sides show just a black texture without stars. I suspect, its a problem with the shadow.
What can i do?
My friend has NoLimits 1,72 Retail and Windows 7 too. He have no problem with the object
All sides show this texture with stars, how exactly like in Sketchup.
I tried lot of different ways, to repair this problem. But nothig has helped.
I changed the graphic cards, i uninstalled NoLimits and installed again.
I changed the graphic settings. But nothig has helped!
The Settings are in german. I live in germany.
Sorry guys
What can i do?
Sorry for my bad english
Best regards

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