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B&M "sitting" coasters

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Post July 8th, 2009, 8:04 am

Posts: 30
Points on hand: 1,728.00 Points
Location: Short Thrils, NJ, USA
Is B&M going to make these anymore? I'm not always on the up and up with new rides being built, but have they made a standard looping coaster (not floorless, or a dive machine, or a mega etc.) since Wildfire at Silver Dollar City in 2001? I guess some people don't find these so thrilling, but I think there's a certain charm to them....
Because for the occasion that you are pretty.

Post July 8th, 2009, 8:50 am

Posts: 30
Points on hand: 1,728.00 Points
Location: Short Thrils, NJ, USA
Thank you much. These do seem to be few and far between though.
Because for the occasion that you are pretty.

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